Today, Beacon Hills High School prepares to welcome a new student! Several new students, in fact; a whole class of them. As summer gives way to fall, so too does freedom give way to restriction. Get in your seats, everyone.
"Hello, Mr. Salvatore? Your daughter Juliet wasn't seen in school yesterday, and we wanted to inform you. We haven't heard anything from you about her absence yet, so we thought we should reach out."
"I.." he looks at the basement door, conflicted, "Uh. She's sick. We're not sure if she'll be coming back. To school."
"Oh, I see. You understand that the proper paperwork will need to be filled out before her absence goes on too long?"
"Sure, whatever, send it to me. I have work to do. And a sick daughter to look after."
So he opens the door and walks in. He has her backpack filled with her school things. And a key.
He puts the bag on the ground and hold the key out to her.
"Take it."
"I love you too, kid. Have fun. Make friends. Be merry," he teases. "I'll take care of your dad."
"I will be the Alpha of Happiness." She tucks the key in her shirt and moves the bag to one of her hiding places. "You should go. He'll be down in a minute to lock the door for the night."
Zach comes down a few minutes later and locks the door. "I'm sorry, Juliet. I love you."