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[OPEN] Proving the Folly of the Arch-Magus

From the Writer and Proprietor of The Badger, Lady Eriape

A Special Pamplet

Free To All

On the Proper conduct of Wizards and The Generosity of Lady Eriape as Contrasted to the Arch-Maguses Presently in Cheliax

While Cheliax now boasts a Multitude of Arch Maguses, there seemeth to be a Dearth of Generosity among these Exalted Folk towards the Common Laundry-Wizard. All Know that Lady Eriape, Generous and Kind, Has In Past Pamphlets Distributed A Clever First Circle Spell of her Own Devising. Who among the So-Called Great and Good now gathered for their Constitutional Convention has done Similar? None! These so-called Archmages of Cheliax, in their Thoughtlessness, have not only Neglected to match Our Generosity but have Compounded their Folly by Neglecting to invite Us to their Putrid Gathering. These Oversights speaks Volumes of their Lack of Wisdom and Foresight.   

We do hereby CALL Upon all Great Wizards of the Third Circle and above, those who no longer Hunger for the Spells of the First Circle to Demonstrate their Worth and committment to the Well-Being of Cheliax. We Exort these Wizards to write to the Badger one of their spells, that We might freely Distribute them for the Benefit of the Common Laundry-Wizard

Showing Eriape the Weal of the Great Wizards, she will Print Instructions for Another Spell, To provide the Effect of the Common Coffee, and Many other Effects that gladden the Hearts of Men, Below In this Pamplet

Version: 2
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[OPEN] Proving the Folly of the Arch-Magus

From the Writer and Proprietor of The Badger, Lady Eriape

A Special Pamplet

Free To All

On the Proper conduct of Wizards and The Generosity of Lady Eriape as Contrasted to the Arch-Maguses Presently in Cheliax

While Cheliax now boasts a Multitude of Arch Maguses, there seemeth to be a Dearth of Generosity among these Exalted Folk towards the Common Laundry-Wizard. All Know that Lady Eriape, Generous and Kind, Has In Past Pamphlets Distributed A Clever First Circle Spell of her Own Devising. Who among the So-Called Great and Good now gathered for their Constitutional Convention has done Similar? None! These so-called Archmages of Cheliax, in their Thoughtlessness, have not only Neglected to match Our Generosity but have Compounded their Folly by Neglecting to invite Us to their Putrid Gathering. These Oversights speaks Volumes of their Lack of Wisdom and Foresight.   

We do hereby CALL Upon all Great Wizards of the Third Circle and above, those who no longer Hunger for the Spells of the First Circle to Demonstrate their Worth and committment to the Well-Being of Cheliax. We Exort these Wizards to write to the Badger one of their spells, that We might freely Distribute them for the Benefit of the Common Laundry-Wizard

Showing Eriape the Weal of the Great Wizards, she will Print Instructions for Another Spell, To provide the Effect of the Common Coffee, and Many other Effects that gladden the Hearts of Men and Even the Undying, Below In this Pamplet!