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This is how we learned everything we know about botany. Planting beans in fairyland to see if genetics works would be very interesting. Does she know enough about breeder fairies to guess about trait heredity?


She's never interacted closely with them; breeder courts tend to be unmixed, none of them lived very near her tree until shortly before she was captured, Thorn only had a handful and they didn't talk to Promise about their families. She does know that breeders have all different ways of reproducing and they don't consistently involve two parents and definitely don't consistently involve the sort of things mortals do to have children. Actually, she's not sure if any of them involve that? She's pretty sure she's never heard reference to a pregnant fairy?


Huh. Okay, bean plants it is, then. The way fairies do it seems sensible.


Fairies do breed plants! All kinds of plants. Probably many kinds of plants were bred once and then spread from there unattended. There is frequently magic involved but she thinks not always?


So perhaps plants in fairyland have genes. Though perhaps not, if they don't die - do they never die? If they do die, what eats the debris, because here there are insects and worms for that...


Oh, plants die! And rot, eventually.


Do you have very very small animal-like things that can't even properly be called animals? And can only be seen under microscopes? Do you have microscopes?


No microscopes.

Well! This will be an interesting thing to check when they have microscopes. Here is the concept. He can't show her one now because lens grinding takes time.


She doesn't know if they have the tiny not-animals! Maybe they do. (It transpires that they do have algae.)


He doesn't know enough to make many inferences from that, but interesting. Do they get sick?


He's not sure what to teach next. There's a lot. What interests her?


Animals are weird! She saw a squirrel the other day and it was so weird! The only information about animals she has is the three traditional kinds that fairies turn people into when they're pissed off (snail, frog, and sparrow, depending on how pissed off)!


There are thousands of kinds! He'd be delighted to tell her all about them. He supposes horses are less useful if you can fly.

...You sit on them? And then they move you?

...That's really, really weird.

...right, not being children, fairies probably also don't do piggyback rides.


By and large, no. And smaller fairies are on average faster than big ones, although it's not consistent, she's faster than a patient mossy.


Well, Elves and Men ride horses. It's quite a lot of fun, actually, though he can't compare it to flying.


She does not see the appeal even trying to take the perspective of someone who doesn't have flight as an option, really. Animals: so weird. They just look kind of fundamentally incorrect to her.


He can't really relate. Animals look lots of different ways anyway. Does Fairyland have coral?


Yes, it does.


Coral: technically an animal.


Huh. It doesn't act like one.


Animals come in all different kinds, like he said. Sparrows are not much like snails either.

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