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You have Eru on the line, there has got to be a set of other things such that he stops really wanting that.


Like what? I don't want to go anywhere near time travel, that sounds horrendously dangerous.


No. Like - some absolutely irrevocable way for him to get out of any situation he's in and doesn't want to be, probably. Also he should be better now that the oath's gone but I don't think he's given himself a chance to really process the implications of that yet.


Well, I'll deal with the other stuff first and when Maedhros is the last thing on the list we can talk about that, but speaking as an obligatorily immortal creature I wouldn't want to force him to exist if he can't be okay with existing.


He hasn't tried not being a Feanorian, which is how most people manage finding existence enjoyable. I was prepared to kill him, when I rescued him. I'm not - he doesn't belong to me. But there are decisions he shouldn't be making while he's like this.


Well, it seems to be taking a while to decide whether Sauron gets a redemption arc and Eru does not seem very impatient about it. No big rush.


The world is billions of years old. As far as Eru is concerned, this all happened in a blink. Or - I'm not even sure if he has a concept of time. If Maedhros decides in a thousand years he wants to die, he can.


He says he exists outside of time. It was sort of alarming.


Yeah. You have some nerve. I am glad it worked out like this.


Me too.


Anything else?


That was all I meant to talk to you in particular about. You can go back to staring contests.


Thank you for Maitimo.


You're welcome, to the extent that I was involved in providing him.


He does return to the staring contest, with determination.

Good luck with that.

To Fëanor: Do you know what Eru meant when he said I complement your family?

Why haven't you ordered Eru to give you access to all his pet projects so you can straighten them out, and to stop making new ones?

Ordering hostile vassals is tricky and I have almost exclusively observational experience with the skill, he's really complicated and I don't understand a lot of his powers, and he won't cooperate on the rest of fixing this world if he thinks I'm not going to quit while I'm ahead there.


Do we have a way to do it without him?


If you can get me to Fairyland I can gate anywhere if I have an idea of where I mean to go. Prospects are fuzzy from there.


'one of Eru's worlds that needs us' probably isn't enough of an idea. If they're all within this universe, and I think they are from what he conveyed during the black holes explanation, I could specify star systems, but that'd still be an inefficient way to do it. I can't assess in what respects they'll need fixing but if we had a way to bring back our dead I am very sure we could do it.


I could ask for some sort of persistent dead-raising ability, maybe.


Or a planet where we are automatically reborn without fuss or judgment if we're killed. There are lots of unused planets. We should perhaps choose one as a base of operations other than this one, I think it'll raise tensions to have us here. I can set Maitimo to building me a peaceful base-of-operations planet while we find an efficient way of identifying worlds of Eru's where we're needed so you can gate to them.


Planets are weird and I wouldn't be confident issuing any instructions about them.


You've been issuing plenty about this one.

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