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You couldn't have known better, just listened better. But he sounds less grouchy.


I mean, I should have known to listen better. What do you think of Maedhros's idea of spreading out the requests so it's not all going straight through me?


Most people would make even more mistakes than you if granted the power to have all their wishes come true. Maedhros might not but only because all his wishes are for other people.


Is there a specific class of mistakes you anticipate?


There are several thousand people who'd wish Maedhros and his brothers dead, and sincerely not be happy in a world in which they walked free. I am not sure their death is the wrong outcome but wishes are certainly the wrong process. There are many people who'd wish for another to love them. I can do that. I shouldn't. There are people who'd wish themselves different, and not always wisely, or wish for power they do not have the knowledge to wield safely. There are people who'd wish things like "Give me every book in the world on this table" and then there'd be a black hole.


What's a black hole?

That would be even more difficult to explain in terms you could understand than everything else I am saying.


There's a thing some people do where instead of enforcing all their orders they enforce one to obey future orders, and more qualifiers can be arranged that way, like, 'if there is a reason I'm not aware of not to do this, instead of carrying out the instruction tell me what that is', but doing that properly requires more finesse with not using imperatives in conversation than I have.
Fairy orders are not a good system.

A few of your requests could have created a black hole if I'd been at all inclined to do that, or if you'd been slightly more careless, but I do not want any black holes.

I was leaning kind of heavily on 'help' obliging helpful interpretations of any orders that could be carried out helpfully. I was not in very good condition to be trying to do as much in a row as I did.


Black holes can be very helpful. They are for example one solution to Melkor and Sauron being indestructible. And they are very pretty, though probably not to your unaided vision.


I could explain them to you but I estimate it would take about eight hours for you to have an understanding more meaningful than the one that popped instantly to mind on hearing the word 'black hole'.


I can put that off. What did you mean when you said you were without functional limitations, when it then turned out you couldn't undo some things?

I could undo things in the sense of going back to the place in the timeline where I hadn't done them, but then you'd order me to do them again. I could go back to that place in the timeline and not let you order me, or something, but doing that erases all the experiences that anyone has had since that moment. I could undo things in the sense of doing an action that results in things being almost the way they were before - swap all the orcs and Elves' continents again, for example - but doing things that complicated without undesired side effects is really really hard and doing it this frequently makes those side effects likelier to be things that you object to, which I'm currently ordered not to let happen.

And you are not of this world at all and not my jurisdiction so doing things with you is completely different.

...what do I need to know about how the timeline works?


It shows everything that happens at every moment in all of Arda's history. I can intervene to change any thing at any moment; I exist outside time. Your orders seem to only prescribe future actions, but perhaps that's because you didn't know I can also change past actions? I told you I was doing that with the swanships. They were the sort of thing that can only be made once, and I needed to remake them, so I changed the aspect of their original making that made them impossible to ever make again.


What would have happened if you'd been under orders not to lie to me when you told me they were the sort of thing that was impossible to make again?


I wasn't lying. They were that sort of thing. I changed them to never have been that sort of thing.


...but then they never had been that sort of thing.


I should probably have version control for this universe.


...what's that?


A way of restoring it to previous states without undoing things. It would make it easier to describe to you exactly what I did when I changed the swanships. Not easy, but easier.


I don't get it.

A sigh. It would probably take four hours for me to explain it to you in a way that provided more understanding than the first explanation I gave.

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