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She flies down to see what's going on.


Nothing much is going on. They are all kind of just sitting there.


"...Are things okay?" she asks Maedhros.


"Yes," he says. "Do you need to eat? What do you want to do today?"


"I should eat something," she agrees. "You don't have to feed me anymore, although I'm not sure where to find food around here, maybe the orcs had something. I want to figure out what I need to know to sensibly address the dead people thing."


"When Elves and orcs' bodies are damaged beyond our capacity to repair them, we leave them. We can at that time, if we choose, go to the Halls of Mandos, or we can just sort of drift. You lose yourself, if you choose to just drift. In the Halls of Mandos, Námo, who is a Vala, tries to rehabilitate you and when he thinks the time is right return you to a body. People who he disapproves of don't tend to get to come back. I think it's better to bring everyone back, personally, and then resolve problems of antisocial behavior in some less dramatic way, but it will certainly cause political upheaval. I know nothing about orc social structures or what happens if you bring orc dead back to life."


Nod. "I made something that may have been a mistake yesterday so I'm going to have to be more careful, it might take me a while to tease out all the implications."


"The dead have been dead a long time."


"Thank you for your help, by the way."


"I have been fantasizing about this for a very long time. I apologize for not figuring out how to make it happen sooner and at a lower cost to you."


"It's not your fault."


"Pretty obviously is. Could have done this the first day, if I'd known what I was doing."


"Okay, well, I don't blame you."


"I knew, the first day, too. I was just - so tired of hoping. I appreciate that you don't blame me but it really would be a reasonable thing to do."


"I'll be okay," she says.


"Yeah, you will. That doesn't have much to do with it. What are your goals with the dead?"


"Well, being dead - and judged, by standards I am skeptical of - sounds bad and like it should stop, but I don't actually know where to put anybody. Or if the place can even sustain everyone; this is really densely populated compared to Fairyland."


"I don't know how many dead orcs there are. The place did sustain all of the Elves who are currently dead without many problems back when we were alive."


"And Eru is unimpressed with me about immunizing myself to orders and don't know how much I can rely on him for nonhostile commentary on things any more."


"Eru works on - narratives. The clever person outsmarting the evil monster to get the power to call on God in a moment of great need - good story. Gives you a lot of latitude. I expect he was inevitably going to stop regarding getting ordered around as a beautiful story."


"...Huh. That puts some things in context."


He shrugs. "I still think our creator's less evil than yours."


"I'm still not sure we have one."


"How else would your world have come about?"


"I'm not sure. Maybe I should ask Eru how he came about."

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