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And, Maedhros says, does she have any reason to believe any of them could have been reading her mind.

"Do you have any reason to believe any such person may have been reading your mind?"


"Didn't have orders to let them, no."


Is that good enough for Maedhros?


He nods. If I thought it were likely I wouldn't have chanced it.


What do you need a 'go south' order to cover?


If the Enemy finds them again he'll have them brought back to Angband, rescind their orders, he'll know how you work. They need to get out of anywhere he can find them, without drawing the attention of other orcs to the fact they've been altered. Once they're about two hundred miles south of here I don't think the Enemy's wasting any energy down there, though there are Men and they might shoot orcs on sight.


...He's not a fairy, he can't rescind their orders. Unless oaths interact with orders in a way I don't expect and you didn't seem to expect regarding not sending me out after the Silmaril I got you again.


Oaths don't bother you if you're doing everything you can towards them, and if you're mind-controlled not to do it that counts. He's a Vala and I don't know if he could imitate fairy magic if he had some to work off. Though it'd probably take a long time and in the meantime all he'd be able to do is learn from them how you work, which is still no good.


If you can't chance sending them south because he might find them on their way south enough then I feel very misled.


I'll send them with an escort.


Okay. What else do you need from them?


I'm curious what their orders from Melkor are right now but you don't have to ask.


How's, 'go docilely and without straying with the escort to be provided until they leave you, and then avoid traveling further north than that point. Avoid contact with Melkor and those in his service; and except in immediate defense of yourselves and each other, or to avoid that contact, commit no violence'?


And if they contact those in Melkor's service, behave in whatever way seems least likely to draw attention to or allow anyone to guess anything is up.


Do you want them to revert to normal behavior entirely under those conditions except for not mentioning me or this incident in any way, or something more complicated?


'normal' is probably not safest but it might be the safest thing you can cleanly order.


What're they supposed to say about how far south they were?


Orders they can't share, probably.


...that won't work if Melkor asks them.


If it comes to his attention we're in trouble, he'll just read their minds. I want to minimize the likelihood that it does that in the first place. He has millions of orcs.


Oh. Okay. 'If contacted by someone in Melkor's service, behave as though your location was due to orders from Melkor you do not have leave to share since discharged, and proceed to act as though this is the case without any mention or allusion however oblique to your capture or my existence'?


That works.


Anything else?


You could try your healing spell on them. Orcs are in constant pain. I don't think it'll do much but it's worth attempting. We did, sometimes, and they always refused to tell us whether it did anything.

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