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"I bet."


"How new did you think I was?"


"If you live quite literally forever, I would expect you to be rather old. Just at random. Of all the numbers, most of them are big. You act young but I thought that might be trauma or a thing about the way fairies are. I am much, much older than you, if our years have anything in common."


"I act young?"


"Yes. Which makes sense, because by the standards of my people you are a child and were a very young child when you were taken prisoner by that monster."


"I've never been a child. I started fully formed."


"Childhood isn't really about size, it's about - inexperience. In this context. Our first people appeared fully formed but they were still - it would have been monstrous to do to them lots of things it's acceptable to do to adults, because they couldn't be informed in the relevant ways."


"...my experience with children is what you have told me, offhand mentions in Sirion, negligible conversation with the mortal I met fifty years ago, and the existence of breeder fairy children, where the most important feature of the state of childhood is that they don't come with names and so whoever runs their court names them with the obvious results. So I don't know what you're talking about."

"If no one has your name when you're born, how does anyone get it?

And - hmm, lots of interaction among people of my kind is about negotiation, I get something I want and you get something you want, and if the other person has far more information, they will out-negotiate you. So high-stakes sorts of negotiations - permanent agreements, agreements with far-reaching consequences, agreements over things of particular value, sex - it is somewhere between 'frowned-upon' and 'evil' to engage in with someone who has vastly less experience than you."
"I knew it when I started.

Nothing that happened to me was the consequence of information asymmetry, unless you count that I didn't know what would happen when I broke enough to say my name and he did."

"Okay. Do you want to talk about this topic?"


"Depends on what you count as 'this topic'."




"I would rather not go into - episodic detail. Otherwise it's fine." She has a stack of drawings to prove it.


"I am not particularly curious, though if you want to talk I am probably a good audience. I'm assuming if there's things I need to know about apparently-harmless actions that'll cause psychological distress you'll say them, and that if there are things you won't say because you're worried they'd then occur to me and I'd be tempted you'll either ask for my oath not to or find someone else."


"I'm not really worried you're going to decide to torture me, since I can't think of any good reason for getting a Silmaril to require it. Unless you thought for some reason the Enemy would give you one if you did, I guess. As long as nobody touches me or says my name I don't think there's anything apparently harmless that would be very bad. Anything less bad than that I mean to handle through exposure as it comes up."


"If getting a Silmaril required torturing you I am entirely sure that my people would stop me." He shudders. "If the possibility causes you substantial distress we could - do another order -"


"How likely is it?"


"No chance at all. If the Enemy offered I wouldn't trust him, because I am not an idiot."


"He can't do the oath thing? Or give the Silmarils to somebody who works for him who can?"


"He can, but we don't have to entertain a visit from them, and don't let them communicate with us, and would try to kill them on sight. With an enemy like this it's just good strategy. Also, if I can't so much as scratch you, how would I torture you? I don't think the Enemy would think demanding to read your mind counts."


"By proxy. Or without scratching me. Or both."


"Do you want an order?"


"How bad on an ongoing basis is the last one?"

"I'd sooner cut off a finger, maybe two, but probably not the whole hand."

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