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"I can hurt myself, so if you had to cut my hand off and there was some way for me to close the gap..."


"You can attack my sword with your hand? Good to know. We're just going to avoid letting you fall into the hands of the Enemy, that's the easiest way to resolve that problem."


"Sounds good. Or just send someone whose name I don't know."


"I have told most of my people not to let you learn theirs. I am ...very much trying them, with this. They have done well with it."


"It's easier if people have nicknames. Especially words that mean things so I don't pay attention to the sounds, in case there's a match."


He nods. "I don't just mean specifically the names."


"What do you mean?"

"They choose freely, do you understand that? If I give an order they obey it because they trust me to order them rightly, or they share my goals, or they value their honor. If I give them an order that is very very wrong - if I am keeping a slave, say, and order them to keep their names from her - I would be disappointed in the people in this castle if they did not consider whether following that order was right, given what they knew.

And they decided it was, because they have known me for a very long time and do know our Enemy. But I am certain that there are a number of people who at least considered forcing you to eat something and then releasing you, because when I was younger it's the sort of thing I'd have done without hesitation."

"I know you're not giving them fairy orders," Promise says.


"And did you wonder why they hadn't intervened? It is because they want to see the Enemy dead more than they want to be able to live with themselves afterwards, and because they knew me once when I was a good person and still trust me on some level as if I still were."


"I wasn't sure they had that much information about me, actually."


"I have not forbidden you from speaking with them, or telling them how you work, so a plan based on concealing from them what you are and what I've done would be a rather half-baked one."


"They might think I was lying."


"Then they'd come ask me."


"And you could tell them whatever you liked."


"And what I liked to tell them was the truth. I like having people who will stop me if they think I've crossed the line, even if they've been through hell and back at my side and think far too highly of me and might not notice in time."


"Where's the line?"


"I don't know. Not everything that might stop the Enemy is on this side of it, but it makes a pretty big difference. You're welcome to try convincing people, if you like, that I should be stopped."


Sigh. "I don't have anywhere else to go or anyone else to feed me and you're loads better than Thorn."


"You haven't told me much but that seems like a strikingly low bar."


"It is, but I don't have some other, middling master in my history to compare with, it was maybe twelve years of living by myself in my tree and then Thorn."


Very very still, at that. Not twitchy, exactly, just still. "You were twelve?"


"Ish? I wasn't keeping close track. I could have been six or eighteen or something."


"And you're now around sixty?"


"Something like that. It was - harder to keep track."

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