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"Sort of, I guess."

"Essences can be rearranged from one stable form to another one. There are rules about which they'll prefer if there are two stable forms possible for a given bunch of them. When I eat food, my body takes the essences and rearranges them to move my muscles and breathe and things like that. Down to the smallest level this is under my conscious control if I desire; I can tell a muscle to stop doing it, though then I might hurt myself, or to do it faster or differently.

But I can only rearrange what I have in the first place, and I can only do rearrangements if I can create the conditions for them within my body. Therefore I have to eat things that give me all the essences I require, and if there are things I can't create the conditions for internally I have to eat something that already contains it.

This is clearly not how you work. I am confused about how you work instead. Even the Maiar, if they have biological bodies, construct them from essences."

"Well, if I had to do that, then I could run out of essences and then I wouldn't be thoroughly immortal, so I guess that's not how I work, but I don't know much about what I'd do instead."


"Yes, if we run out of essences our bodies can stop running and then we have to go ask the Valar for a new body. If your body can heal from anything it definitely does not work like ours. I'm glad you don't require more variety of food, anyway. It'll take some time before anything grows."


"When I have sorcery I can make plants grow very fast. ...Which I guess also doesn't make sense with the essences thing."


"In our world the formal definition of magic is things which create essences, allow essences to undergo unfavorable transformations that they usually wouldn't, or create energy. I had a brother who thought that it was inelegant for magic to be three different things like that, and concluded that all three of them are actually somehow the same thing."


"Fairyland has a lot of things that behave in ways that sound like by that definition they'd be magic even though no one ensorceled them. Sourceless waterfalls and stuff."


"Yes, we'd consider those to be magic."


"Anyway, what's protein in particular and why would I need it?"

"They're a particular category of essence-clump. They tend to have very complicated structures, but they're all built off the same building blocks. I can't create the internal conditions to produce them - I can create about half the building blocks, but there's no way I know to get the rest of the building blocks - so I have to eat them to keep this body going. If I didn't, I would lose muscle mass first, and then eventually I would be scraping what I have off other parts of my body so my heart didn't stop beating and my blood was still carrying oxygen and it'd be increasingly distracting to sustain my body and eventually it would give out.

If you were like us and ate nothing but leaves you'd have a hard time building any muscle. We mostly eat animals and animal products to get protein.

Come to think of it, you weigh far too little to be made out of the essences we are. I wonder if you're just made of something entirely different."

"If I needed to eat animals I'd be in trouble, Fairyland doesn't have any."


"...none? Do you have insects? Do you have flowers? What pollinates the plants?"


"No insects either. Lots of flowers! Plants mostly pollinate themselves, although some kinds of fairies pollinate them to help them along."


"Well. I'd take you out to see lots of cute animals but it's not safe, regrettably. It sounds like Fairyland's creator had a much more specific vision and less design by committee than the creators of our world."


"I'm not sure anybody made Fairyland. I guess somebody might have."


"It sounds very definitely like someone made it to me." He's almost relaxed.


"Maybe. They didn't tell anybody they did it, though. And there's the regular mortal world, too."


"Tell me about that one."


"I've never been. And I only met a mortal for a little while like - fifty years ago, about. It's full of mortals, they come in different colors but only one kind really, and sorcery doesn't work there either, and they have weird politics and lots of languages and no magic and lots of animals but I don't think they have Valar."


"A shame. There are kingdoms of Men on this world and if one of them were the mortal world you're familiar with we could try getting you home. Eventually. Once stopping fairies forever has been figured out."


"They live in cities, really dense cities, the mortal - she kept going through nicknames, I can't remember which one she had last - was talking about buildings a hundred stories tall, and they can't fly so they had things that could roll very fast along the ground with mortals sitting in them..."


"I know of nowhere by that description." He definitely sounds a little relieved.


"Yeah, I don't think this is the same place or I'd be more optimistic about finding a gate in the next couple thousand years."


"If my family were alive I'd be pretty optimistic they could learn how to make sorcery work in this world or something like that, definitely with a few thousand years to work on it. But they're all dead. I'm sorry."


"How would they possibly do that? Nobody even knows why sorcery doesn't work outside Fairyland."

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