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And he teaches her the next one.


And so on and so on. "Is it one pitch at a time for magical reasons?"


"We can only produce one pitch at a time with our voices. I can produce several if I'm using instruments, but I can't use instruments in combat very effectively."


"Oh. I never actually heard a mortal sing before. I guess it makes sense with how you talk too."


"Can you sing several notes at once?"


She sings a chord.


"Useful. In that case let me have someone fetch me a harp and I can teach you magic songs that are multiple sounds at a time."


"Okay. It's probably easier to teach me musical notation than to have me learn everything by ear in the long run once we confirm I can do magic songs at all, though."


"Yes, definitely. Would you like me to teach you that while we wait for a harp?"


"First order of business is to see if I can make the lights song work."


"There are only a few more verses."


She learns them. She sings them.

She can make dancing lights. Maglor's face has more faint humor in it than approval, but he congratulates her.


"Thanks. Okay, what's your musical notation like?"


So he explains it. He clearly warms up to the task halfway through, and by midday is wholly engrossed in it, sharing memory tricks and humming or playing examples.


Ooh, memory tricks. She sings assorted chords as she learns to read them. It's a little hard for her to sing different phonemes at the same time, compared to pitches, but it turns out she can do that too.


In that case he can pull out magic songs that require a choir, though most of those aren't combat oriented because back when it was worth doing that kind of thing there wasn't a war on. He has dozens of songs she could learn if she's interested, with all kinds of effects.

Gosh, what a selection.

- She wants to be able to heal. She feels nervous about not being able to do that. It was the first substantial sorcery she picked up.

"No one here can do that, and I don't think I have it written down, but I can teach you one which doesn't work for me anymore from memory if that's any help."


"Assuming the magic is in the notes and not in being taught the song by someone who can use it as a spell, yes please."


So he tries teaching it the same way he taught her dancing lights.

(She scribbles down notes about it, not full notation but enough to jog her memory.)

And when she has it down she sings it through.

The burns on Maglor's fingers are already healing quickly, but now they're nearly gone, just leaving raw pink skin. "Huh," he says. "Thank you."


"You're welcome!" It's not as good as sorcerous healing for how long it takes or how well it does but it seems impolite to disparage his magic system when he's so generously teaching her.


"We never got really good at healing because we didn't need it before the war and during the war, well. I can teach you about the principles of composition that would let you design your own magic songs but that will take us decades."

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