Reading lessons and vocabulary additions occupy the rest of the trip to Welce, by which time the sun has set and Kiri is lighting the way for the horses with an overhead fireball and keeping everybody warm against night chill.
"Chialto," Kiri says when they approach the city.
Even at night, it's busy.
The kobold regrets this decision.
Good grief that's a lot of humans.
Good grief.
"Can you look at some places in Chialto other than my house to put them on the belt?" Kiri asks. "From inside the carriage?"
(She's no longer checking to make sure that every single word she uses is on the list. If she uses one the kobold can't figure out from context, she can go back and explain it with the foundation they have.)
She doesn't have to be right on top of the location she's trying to observe, but she has to be pretty close, and more importantly she needs to be out of Kiri's mindreading range while she does it - she's not sure that'd give Kiri her kind of magic, but she's nervous about what would happen if it did.
Kiri is not totally thrilled about not being invited to receive contagious magic, but she's not going to do nonconsensual mindreading to get it. "We can take the carriage there, you can stay inside, I can get out?"
Anyway, her staying in the carriage while Kiri gets out should work fine.
They reach the Ardelay Chialto house and put the carriage and horses away. Aleko shoos a staffperson and the way is cleared for the kobold to be unobserved entering the house proper.
"Tomorrow Aleko will go buy me a belt so this house can be put on it. I need a way for someone in this house to ask me to come here if there's a fire, too."
Sure, that makes sense. Where exactly in this house does Kiri want the belt to bring her? Also, she can make a portal from here to the other house - just a little one might be fine for communication purposes; it's not possible to speak through a portal, but someone could pass notes through or pass a bell through and ring it or something - or a bigger one would let someone just walk through.
A bell would be perfect. One bellpull per emergency landing location. Kiri picks a spot in the kierten where she would like to appear, and she obtains a servant-calling bell from a disused room to thread back into the country house.
The kobold examines the specified landing spot, and then asks for more information about the mini-portal when Kiri returns with the bell: she didn't have a chance to examine very many places in the country house, so their options for the other side of the portal right now are the library nook or the room she slept in last night, or she can teleport back to one of those spots and go have a look at a different location if that's safe to do. (Kiri can come, too.)
Kiri would like to teleport back and show her a spot in the house kierten there too, where a bell will be more clearly audible.
Easily enough done. Let's see. Tie a string to the banister here, make sure Kiri is out of range, put a portal to the library in the wall under the stairs, step back into range to explain: untying the string will break this portal; the kobold will do that after Kiri goes through, then teleport herself directly there.
And Kiri giggles and then shows her the kierten, after making sure no warm person-shaped spots are in the path.
The kobold follows along, makes sure she understands exactly where Kiri wants the portals to let out, and carefully examines that area. Then they can go back to Chialto - or not, if Kiri would rather spend the night here and teleport back in the morning.
True. What would Kiri prefer to do? The kobold doesn't care very much one way or the other.
Back to Chialto it is, then. This time the portal lets out in the kierten - the spot the kobold is planning on having the belt put her, if she'd like to tweak that at all.
Hmm. She is sometimes in this house for extended periods of time. Can there be a double-belled portal in each target location, which rings one bell here and one in the country house? Or maybe two ropes braided together which split at the portal location?