"The blessings don't do things. They describe things. If I go draw blessings, they will tell me things, but they won't make things happen."
That doesn't seem to be much more than you'd learn from watching someone grow up, so, okay. It might cause problems in combination with kids not being able to switch tribes, but kids not being able to switch tribes is the real problem there.
Here is the chapel.
"Anyway, you can draw for yourself or other people. Want to try?"
Hmm... the kobold drawing for Kiri is probably the best test, assuming Kiri has a good idea of what kinds of results they're likely to get.
"I never get 'grace', that's one clue. If I sit here drawing until there are only three left they will all be 'grace'."
She rifles around in the bowl and picks a coin: Luck.
Luck - Loyalty - Imagination - Joy - Innovation
Intelligence - Resolve - Beauty - Travel - Talent
Swiftness - Kindness - Resolve - Flexibility - Resilience
Flexibility - Serenity - Patience - Loyalty - Strength
Honor - Swiftness - Innovation - Health - Love
They are starting to seem less obviously relevant, but that might be normal when someone draws a bunch like this?
"This doesn't seem to be pointing at anything really clear, anyway. They're not obviously wrong, but most blessings would not be obviously wrong for someone who was in a good mood because they'd recently acquired new magical powers, you know? Honor I don't usually get... patience I don't usually get but it might be more apt than most days today? I don't know what resolve and resilience are doing in there, Aleko has not been clothes shopping so 'beauty' is puzzling..."
Maybe it'd help to see what she gets when she draws with her antimagic off: hope, vision, innovation, power, and travel.
That does seem to describe the situation better than what she'd been drawing, yes.
She is a little curious what blessings she'd get, too, hmm... Time, synthesis, triumph, synthesis, time.
"...That's weird. I mean, it could be a valid draw but five extraordinary blessings in a row... not likely."
Oh well. Neat when it does work, anyway. She returns the coins to the bowl.
Anything else before she goes home, hmmmmm. It would probably be a good idea to give Kiri a way to get in touch with her, in case something comes up before it's time for her to return - a little password-activated portal that they can put notes through, maybe.
"That sounds like a good idea. What would make a good surface to put a little portable portal on?"
Mirrors are traditional for scrying, and one would work just as well for this, but she'd rather start a new tradition - hmmmmm. Something it wouldn't be too unusual to have or be carrying, a good size but not too big, sturdy enough to not break... well, for this world, how about a book? She can cast on just the cover, so if one of the pages rips that won't break it.
"All right. I'll go get a blank hardbound. Maybe I'll copy my notes on animalperson language into it."
She should be able to check that spot a few times a day, though she can't guarantee it if she's busy or can't get away to read. (She's not sure yet how her tribe will react to that, but 'suspicious' is a reasonable assumption.)