The kobold examines the spot, and then teleports back and gets to work finishing up the bellpull collection.
Scritches. "I'm trying to think if there's anything else about humans I should warn you about," she murmurs.
(Most kobolds would find the ownership thing just as unsettling, too, but she's used to that one at least. Ugh, dealing with cultural differences is hard.)
"...I can't tell what you're not thinking about, but - I don't know, I don't want you to be surprised again, but it doesn't seem like you actually want to have a conversation about all the ways humans are sometimes terrible."
Not that she can't put up with it, probably? She puts up with the tigerfolk, and they certainly have their issues. But it took her a while to be able to live with that (cringe, sigh - yeah, 'that' is 'they captured and ate a bunch of kobolds'; thought about from this particular angle it just makes her very sad, though, there were mitigating circumstances)... she expects to be able to live with this, too, so long as it's being worked on, just, it's going to take a while.
The kobold is darkly amused: Probably not, given this world doesn't seem to have kobolds. But if they're not in the habit of eating other kinds of people at all - or each other, but she expects that they wouldn't be willing to live so close to strangers if that was the case - that does help, yes.
"I think humans are the only kind of person in this world. I couldn't swear that no one makes a habit of eating other humans but I've never actually heard of it happening anywhere."
The kobold mulls some more, then eventually remembers that she ought to be getting back to her tribe soon. She would kind of like to go see if that shelter Kiri mentioned wants any spells first, though.
The kobold would like to know about it even if some of the things they want seems like things she can't do; she hasn't really explored the limits of her teleportation magic very much yet, and she can learn other kinds of magic from her tribe's other mage.
Also, the kobold can make portals to random worlds, and apparently at least some of those have other kinds of magic; she might be able to find other worlds with different magic that they can learn.
"The other local magic is like mine... I wonder if your antimagic spell stops blessings from working. We could try it. What's the - 'pushing' magic - like? ...And if you want to learn to train animals nonmagically you could learn here."
"Blessings are - I can show you." She starts heading for the chapel. "There are forty-three kinds. They mean different things, like 'creativity' or 'wealth' or 'time'. If you have them in a bowl together, and pick without looking, you'll get the right ones. It's not a very powerful magic, but it's interesting."
"Some of the things they mean are hard to define. Whenever a human in this country is born their parents go to a temple and pick out three blessings for the baby; mine are power, intelligence, and clarity. The power one is how we knew before it happened that I would be the Ardelay prime, but it can mean things besides magic power too. Intelligence is - learning fast, thinking of things. Clarity is sort of - not being confused or distracted."
Huh. That's... kind of creepy, actually, to do to someone without their consent, but okay.