The kobold can give Kiri spells to the other locations, now, too, if they'd like.
(Kiri may notice that wants in general follow a broader theme and wanting to be in particular places follow a narrower one - it would, theoretically, be possible to learn to read someone's mind via the magic-sense, but it would take a lot of effort and the help of a cooperative subject to get any real detail, and wouldn't necessarily generalize beyond them at all.)
It takes a little while to get them all done, but not too long.
Okay, to the next town by carriage, then.
There may be cuddles: the kobold's mood is improved enough that she doesn't quite feel a need for them, but she also doesn't see any reason not to; they're quite compatible with reading.
Cuddles are indeed compatible with reading! That is a nice thing about them. Pet pet. Kiri supplies definitions as the kobold encounters words she doesn't already know.
Eventually they get to the next town.
Once they've been to all the towns, the kobold can teleport the carriage back, if Kiri and Aleko would like to save the travel time. She'll need to go have a look at where it goes, but that's no problem.
"...The horses won't like it," muses Kiri. "But it's a lot faster and I don't know how much the horses won't like it."
The kobold knows very little about horses, certainly not enough to guess whether it would be worth it.
"These are the mellow ones. I bet they'd get over it. I can give them apples when we get home. And it'd save my ass the extra day of driving." (As the kobold has gotten more conversational Aleko has started talking aloud more.)
...Which fails, because she was paying it too much attention. She goes back whence she came, picks the belt up, puts it on, observes how well it goes with her outfit (Aleko knows his business), and teleports home again. Much better.
The kobold is no longer exactly secret, and neither is the teleportation, but Kiri shoos the stablehand anyway just to avoid having the conversation about teleporting horses right away.
A few moments later, there is the carriage, with Aleko and a couple of alarmed horses, and then another moment after that, the kobold.
"Want to go install the last few bellpulls and then help me practice magic?" Kiri asks the kobold.
...they're going to need to go back to that one town to figure out where to put its bellpull, huh. The kobold is nervous about it.