"I'll get you a copy when it's filled in with the whole dictionary. I don't want to wind up with a mess where two copies of it are being edited differently, though, you know?"
"Very. But you can check it for errors and reorganize it in ways that make it more useful to you and then I can replace my copy with your edited version, and so on."
("Maybe this author just really likes fire.")
Incantations. If anything Kanimir's notes on incantations are even more thorough than usual, since they're more qualitative than the strenuously mathematical rune placement.
May's notes are no longer wholly in standard English. She's inventing shorthand as she goes.
Sensible. Kanimir would follow suit, except if he were going to do that he would want a well-indexed glossary, and that would probably take more time than the shorthand would save right now.
The chapters on what all the rune meanings... mean... are all they have time for today, and then May has to leave. "Got homework - the dull kind," she apologizes, bundling up her belongings.
"I'd be working out how to graduate early and get into college if I thought that would help, but I don't think they'd let me major in magic!"
"Unfortunately, the state of magical education has not advanced to that point." Beat. "Yet."
It's the next Sunday when they finally finish the final chapter, at least the first time through.
"Well, that was more fiddly than I was fantasizing but not as bad as it could have been," May says, shutting the book. "I think the best example spell to try is probably the one that boils water. I mean, it could kill us, but any spell could and boiling water unlike fire has a fixed temperature. Monday I can bring a run-off copy."
Kanimir does not comment on how pleased he was by its fiddlyness. "Sure. I'll bring some materials to experiment with re-using a grooved template."
"And I'll make some of the copies with lighter marks so we can trace over them if the Xerox doesn't cut it."
He high fives her. He looks at her grin. It is a really nice smile. He opens his mouth. He closes his mouth. He says. "Would you maybe be interested in...meeting up for something other than magic sometime? Or not just magic? Or--I'm really terrible at this, sorry."
"I--um--" He takes a deep breath. "You're intelligent and creative and interesting and you have a really pretty smile, and obviously if you're not interested that's fine, or anyway it should be obvious and I'm not one of those jackasses who thinks they somehow deserve any kind of attention from someone else that they're not interested in giving, but--if you were interested--I--"