"I promise if I become an evil scientist I'll be the sort that unleashes motile carnivorous plants on the populace, not the kind that doesn't treat people like people."
"...I'm not sure carnivorous plants are a step up from deficient research ethics."
"See, the one is funny because it's not actually plausible, but the other is unfunny because people actually do that."
"If I unleashed carnivorous plants using magic I would be being an evil wizard, not an evil scientist. Also, I will not unleash carnivorous plants."
Comparison! They match more closely than the invisibility did, although she's got a meaning he doesn't down for teleportation and she's missing one he included for injury healing.
But May's laptop is running out of charge and it's getting late.
"I'll email you all the spreadsheet and see you tomorrow."
"A history of the Extinction War, looking for clues about medallions. I wonder if we could bring anyone of either of the particularly relevant species back without reigniting the whole thing."
"Apparently dragons were immune to any magic they wanted to be. Including backlash from miscasting spells."
"Yes, it's how they managed to hold their own against the sphinxes, who were extremely magic."