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Kanimir times her! He does not have a stopwatch and will just have to do some arithmetic based on his analog wristwatch. That's okay! It works!


May remains invisible for twenty-one minutes. During which time she slides invisibly into Kanimir's lap to kiss him, just 'cause.


This is startling! But good startling, even if his sister is going to tease him later for the noise he made.

May spends much of the time she is invisible cackling. By the time she is visible again she is back in her own chair.

"I diiiiiid iiiiiit," she sings when she resumes visibility, wriggling happily. "And that's long enough to do some decent flying, too. We'll see if yours gets better duration."

It takes him another while to finish it up, and then submits it to May for approval.

She doesn't find any mistakes in the construction - his was not completed at three in the morning - but she does correct a couple defects in the lines themselves.

Oops. Well, that's what double-checking is for. He doesn't need his incantation looked over; he says it, and--

Poof. Gone.



"...Do you have a watch, I forgot to take mine off before I invisibled."


May has her phone. She pulls it out and notes the time.


Kanimir's invisibility is a little better, but not by much--twenty-three minutes forty seconds. He doesn't do something similar to May's own invisible shenanigans, mostly because his sister is standing right there. And because trying to sit in her lap while she was in her wheelchair without her cooperation seems a terrible idea.

That is entirely reasonable.

"So yours came out better but I think mine looks faster to draw, not that that's the limiting factor most of the time."

"So we'll hang onto both and use whichever one seems most appropriate in a given context," he concludes.


"Right." Pause. "We have invented spells. And are wizards."


He hugs her. "We are it's the best."


"So Daphne, if you want to go invisibly flying sometime..."



"I'll run off copies of both of these in gray so they're easily traced and copied into other formats. What do you think should be next, Kanimir, something else entirely or stable invisibility items?"


"Good question. Stable invisibility items are, I think less of a priority than they would be if we didn't have so many ways to cheat at scrolls, but still definitely a priority."


"Yeah... I might just switch back and forth between things, but I'm not sure we should make a lasting habit of working in complete parallel like that, anyway."


"Yes, as it is we have two nearly-redundant spells. Perhaps for our next project we should choose two goals, have both of us draw up a potential set of runes for each one, check them over with each other like we did for this one, and then each of us uses the given runeset for a single task to complete it."


"Sounds like a plan. I might want to do more in parallel if one of them had turned out really short compared to the other, but I guess the whole fixed amount of power per spell thing means that's not likely."


"It's possible that for spells with more variation in intensity than 'on' and 'off' there might be tradeoffs between duration and intensity to account for, but yes."


"Okay. You can have your pick off the priorities list and I'll do something else, then."


Kanimir elects to try a healing spell.

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