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"I mean, imagine if you'd come in after I'd finished arguing with the shop guy - you'd have found the bookstore with one rune dictionary and no textbook. Or if I'd come in the next day, I'd have found the same thing. And we would have both had to work alone."


"That would have been so inconvenient. I'm sure we each could have made it work on our own, but this is so much more effective."


"Yes. But it also suggests that the potential to be interested might not be that rare."




"...Which suggests that either most people who try wind up getting themselves killed or scared off, or that there might be a lot of fledgling magic schools around the world that we just haven't heard of because they don't recruit in our Avalon."


"That seems plausible. In that case founding another one might not be the most efficient use of our time, particularly if any of the others are being managed competently such that it would be convenient to associate with them."


"Yeah. We should talk to the Toronto Avalon council and get addresses to write inquiries to some other major Avalon councils about it."


"I don't think I had been particularly aware that Avalons had councils until you mentioned it; how hard do you think it's likely to be to get ahold of them?"


"Not very. They govern small towns, it's not like getting an audience with the mayor. I'm sure I'll have to make an appointment but I'd be surprised if they kept me waiting for weeks when it doesn't matter which of them I talk to and I don't need more than ten minutes."


"I wonder if there are--e-Avalons. Internet sites for critters and other in-the-know persons and whatnot."


"I... don't think so, but I haven't been crittering long enough to know that I would have run across them if they existed. In particular they might be commoner in, like, Japan or something."


"It seems a bit strange if they're not. There are websites for nearly everything these days."


"Maybe they're disguised as sites about games or something, or just heavily protected and you have to know somebody."


"Quite possibly. We should ask around some, in that case."


"I don't think bugbear lady even has a computer so she's no help."


"It is entirely possible that Daphne and Jaromira have made critter friends. Even if they haven't, they're more likely to than I am. I can ask them to inquire."


"Cool. I've talked to people but I haven't really made friends with anybody besides you."


"They're extroverts. It's the only explanation."




"Strong social tendencies. Clearly the result of a pact with the devil."


"I mean, we've been hanging out a lot..."


"Gasp! Clearly we must find a priest immediately to confess our iniquities and receive penance before it's too late for us."


May giggles.


"Except, of course, that they will require us to turn in the true witches, and I could never betray my sister. Farewell, my dear, it's not too late for you; save yourself while you still can!" He presses his wrist to his forehead dramatically.

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