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"I'll do the next one."


This part takes even longer; she redraws her derived rune on a separate sheet and, via elaborate constructions that she has to read every step of from the textbook, gets four meanings' "pure symbols" derived correctly and one wrong. She checks her work, goes back and does it right, and then confirms that there are no other meanings.

Then she gets to do math. It's all arithmetic, but it's tedious arithmetic; presently she has ratios of the "new" rune's meaning strengths relative to the average of the target meaning's strengths in the deriving eight. These she gets right on the first try, with the help of her school calculator.
Kanimir uses a different set of runes with the relevant meaning, but otherwise he does the same thing as May. He avoids making any mistakes, mostly by double-checking things possibly even more neurotically than is strictly necessary. And--

"I don't think this one's in here," he says, pleased, flipping through the dictionary.

"Ooh. Maybe it won't be in the unabridged either and we can have our very own rune."


"I don't know if that's likely, but it would be nice!"


"If there were a functioning magical institution of any kind you could patent it."


"That seems impractical, given how easy it would be for someone else to divine it independently. I think requiring that people exhaustively check the patents list before using new runes wouldn't be an improvement to a magical institution."


"Yeah, I was just being silly. You can't check against the book so I'm going to double-check you independently, start to finish." She duplicates his starting set and arrangement and repeats the process.


The same rune appears!


Aaaaand secondary meaning inventory and mathing in parallel.

Conscientiousness is key.


If they get the same answers that will be a good sign.


They appear to get the same answers! This is a good sign.

"All right, that's promising, we probably didn't do anything horribly wrong! Now we have this rune. I'll put it in my spreadsheet when I get home."

And her stomach growls.

"Weeeee have been sitting here for hours, let's go get curry."
"Yes, let's."

The curry place is, as advertised, accessible, and the smells wafting from the doorway are delectable.

May is quite practiced at getting her chair into the back of her car and then leaning on the side of the vehicle to get to the driver's seat and then doing the whole thing in reverse to get out of her parking spot. She orders butter chicken and dal.


Kanimir orders lamb vindaloo and rice, because he mysteriously stops being a white person in the presence of curry. And a mango lassi, because those are amazingly delicious.


"So does Jaromira know where we are and rue her missed opportunity to stuff you into a tux...?"


"She knows. I don't know how much ruing is going on, but that is why she decided to convince me to make the teacakes myself."


"Aha. Much less questionable advice than the tux thing."


"I was mostly joking on the tux thing. It's possible she'd try to find excessively fancy outfits for us if we were attending some sort of event for which they would be customary, but for a curry shop it would simply be out of place."


"Oh, this offer extends to me too? If we go someplace fancy I'd probably take her up on it, I'm out of the habit of caring what I wear."


"She wouldn't try to stuff you in something more fancy than the situation called for as a joke, even facetiously, the way she might plausibly do to me, but if you don't have anything suitable I'm sure she wouldn't mind providing." Beat. "I predict blue."


"Blue is my color."


"If she found something in a blue dragonscale pattern--wyvernscale, I suppose, but there's not a lot of difference on that level--I suspect she would acquire it for you without the prompting of a specific event."

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