"How did these items get made if there's no way to learn magic? Are the magicians homeschooling their children and not writing any books? How did you learn?"
"Half this stuff is antiques," says the shopkeep. "Look, asking me a dozen times isn't gonna make the answer more to your liking. I don't have Hogwarts in the basement, deal with it."
"But where do you get the stuff that isn't antique - who made the Avalon itself? - isn't anybody panicking about the medallion supply? -"
"Kid, nobody knows how to make medallions."
"But some people apparently know how to make luck charms and protection amulets!"
"I'm not going to give out my suppliers' personal information. I wouldn't do it even if you weren't annoying."
"There have to be books -"
"Does this look like a library to you?"
Kiss! Inconsistently visible kiss! It briefly occurs to Kanimir that it must look really odd when he's invisible, but since they certainly shouldn't have any observers he puts it from his mind. Besides, he's the inconsistently visible one, if anyone toot a picture it would be May that looked silly.
And May's mother politely does not burst in to record May looking silly while kissing her inconsistently visible boyfriend. So it is just kisses.
Oh, good. That would be so inconvenient. Also drastically out of character, but Kanimir hasn't read enough about demons for that part to freak him out yet.
"I really don't think I have a 'slightly transparent' setting. Maybe I would if it were a different invisibility spell or something, but this one doesn't have a dimmer switch."
"I'm going to find the smallest set of runes which between them cover every meaning there is and get myself a flashlight wand, if those work, with one of each."
"...Probably!" May gets to her feet, leaving Kanimir invisible where he was, and goes to get these things.
He amuses himself while she's gone by plucking at the coverlet and seeing it move for apparently no reason.
May comes back with the objects. "Do you think you can draw a whole spell this small," she says, "or am I going to do my thing to like three runes? My handwriting's good, but writing on cling wrap in marker it's not that good."
"Depends on how fine-tipped the marker is and whether you have enough paperweights to hold it flat."
"It's a fine sharpie..." She hands him the sharpie and gets books to flatten the plastic wrap with.
"I can try, but I'm not sure I'll succeed. If I fail the first time I can try again but if I fail enough times in a row I might just declare it unworkable for the moment." And he begins trying! He goes much, much slower than normal.
After about five minutes he says, "...Could you stop suppressing for a moment? I want to hold this a little more precisely and also see what I've already written."
After about another ten minutes of careful scribbling he says, "...I think I've got it."