"How did these items get made if there's no way to learn magic? Are the magicians homeschooling their children and not writing any books? How did you learn?"
"Half this stuff is antiques," says the shopkeep. "Look, asking me a dozen times isn't gonna make the answer more to your liking. I don't have Hogwarts in the basement, deal with it."
"But where do you get the stuff that isn't antique - who made the Avalon itself? - isn't anybody panicking about the medallion supply? -"
"Kid, nobody knows how to make medallions."
"But some people apparently know how to make luck charms and protection amulets!"
"I'm not going to give out my suppliers' personal information. I wouldn't do it even if you weren't annoying."
"There have to be books -"
"Does this look like a library to you?"
May cackles. "You don't know that you aren't a critter! You might be pointier than I am somehow!"
"Maybe I'm a...I have no idea what would be pointier. Are there any hedgehog-like critters?"
"Or...Echidna was the name of a legendary creature, and real life echidnas are pretty pointy..."
"Yeah. I did do some looking into what kinds of critter there are to see what I could most plausibly be and wyvern was as close as I got, there's barely any reptiles, I have no idea what governs which things there are."
"To be fair, wyvern is pretty much as close to dragon as you can get without actually being a dragon, I think some fictional worlds actually classify them as a kind of dragon."
"Yeah, but something with the same number of limbs or similar tails would have been better. There's a bunch of mammal/bird hybrids for some reason."
"Well, if messing up a spell can turn you into a new kind of critter...it's not implausible that it could take less to turn one into a mammal than a reptile. Although the bird part is confusing, birds split off from reptiles long after mammals did."
"How sure are we that the bird hybrids are actually birds and not just a case of convergence, I wonder. I suppose Daphne would be gleeful to find out, eventually."
"Daphne's the firebird?" asks Ren.
"Yeah. But since critters might all be created by magic it could also have to do with cognitive accessibility - people think about birds more than reptiles? And definitely think about wings more than other aspects of birds, so winged-thises-and-thats are common."
"Daphne has ambitions towards a Ph.D in biology. She thinks there's plentiful unconquered ground, scientifically, in critter biology. The cognitive accessibility notion is intriguing. I wonder...if crittering someone is something that happens by accident sometimes, if it's possible to do it on purpose? Once we have the medallions thing figured out, of course, and using consenting volunteers."
"She might have trouble submitting work on critter biology to any normal university, so she has her work cut out for her. But turning people into stuff on purpose sounds like an 'eventually', yeah."
"She has long-term ambitions to be the founder of a new sub-field once the masquerade has been peeled back enough that that's feasible and doesn't mind mooching off of Jaromira for things like living expenses until then."
"We...have trust funds. And, you know, it used to be that one man's salary was supposed to be enough to feed him and his wife and kids, so."