"...Actually I think it's mostly going to be the trust fund thing; I think it's Jaromira's ambition to be a starving-artist type without the starving. But, you know, if she can afford to be a poet instead of anything you can support yourself with..."
"Then that is entirely reasonable. Me, I plan to be a wizard tycoon. They'll make one of those computer games about it: Wizard Tycoon."
"Yeah, probably. None of the other tycoon games have to have that mechanic, it'll be its gimmick."
"I do not actually know anything about this particular genre, so I'll take your word for it."
"The only one I actually have is Roller Coaster Tycoon. It's pretty good, if timewasting in the way that computer games are by default."
"I like Civilization. Because anything is improved by adding 'and also May rules the world'. It is a computer game but also May rules the world."
"It looks like so much tedium to me," confesses Ren. "I know magic is exciting and the results are exciting, but all that math and looking things up!"
"It is sort of like Sudoku, isn't it? The comparison hadn't occurred to me," says May.
"It's fun in the same way that Sudoku is fun. You figure out what to put where by comparing numerical values."
"Well, I do actually like Sudoku, so I don't really have any non-obvious explanations."
"I only sort of get the appeal of puzzles. Like, the process seems among the pleasanter processes you could go through to get things, but the thing isn't worth having."
"In my case, it's similar to running laps. You don't do it because you want to get to the other end of the track and back, you do it because you want to be better at running when it's important."