"How did these items get made if there's no way to learn magic? Are the magicians homeschooling their children and not writing any books? How did you learn?"
"Half this stuff is antiques," says the shopkeep. "Look, asking me a dozen times isn't gonna make the answer more to your liking. I don't have Hogwarts in the basement, deal with it."
"But where do you get the stuff that isn't antique - who made the Avalon itself? - isn't anybody panicking about the medallion supply? -"
"Kid, nobody knows how to make medallions."
"But some people apparently know how to make luck charms and protection amulets!"
"I'm not going to give out my suppliers' personal information. I wouldn't do it even if you weren't annoying."
"There have to be books -"
"Does this look like a library to you?"
And when he has sat, she assesses her distance from various walls, and then turns into a dragon.
She is about the size of a large sofa, plus some tail; low, sinuous, horned, ice-blue, with sharp narrow wings folded against her middle.
"You should be, you're amazing." Pause. "At risk of dampening the mood, if I tell my sister I went to your house and saw you full-form, that...would probably cover any other out-of-the-ordinary behavior that might give away the existence of a secret."
May flops onto her side; it's a slightly odd motion on a dragon but looks pretty comfy. "Sounds good. I don't especially want people going around thinking about whether or not we have had sex."
"Yes, there's a reason she would think it was in-character for me not to tell her about it. Better that it not be necessary for her to think so in the first place."
May discards fullform in favor of a midform which includes her horns and wings and tail. "So, fun fact, I can balance a lot better with a tail. The trouble is, wyverns have barbs, so..."
"It might not have been disastrous depending on what anyone knew about wyverns, but. Yes. That is a good thing."
May goes back to human form. "But Ren thinks it's weird to close the downstairs curtains, so we don't, so I get along without."
"...Does either of them feel more--natural to you? You grew up as a human but the other one is your 'real' form..."
"Well, having a tail feels useful, and walking is easier on four legs, but for naturalness I'm gonna have to go with human."
"On a semi-relevant note, Daphne found a recipe for fake opals involving glitter and translucent clay while we were looking for the plastic recipe. I think she's going to actually try to make you a crown. Or a tiara, anyway."
"Ha! Maybe sometime I'll take a fifteen-minute break from real spell development to write randomly chosen runes and tell them to turn it into real opal. If I have powers."
"I bet you do. It's not like the universe has passed up any other opportunities to make you awesome; why start now?"
May giggles. "I'm tempted by your logic but I'm not sure that's actually how the distribution of traits works."
"It's not a reason to make imprudent decisions," Kanimir agrees. "But I think it is a reason for hug." He hugs her.
Dinner is potato soup with ham in it, and veggie stirfry on the side. It is competently if not miraculously cooked. Dessert is storebought macadamia white chocolate chip cookies.