"How did these items get made if there's no way to learn magic? Are the magicians homeschooling their children and not writing any books? How did you learn?"
"Half this stuff is antiques," says the shopkeep. "Look, asking me a dozen times isn't gonna make the answer more to your liking. I don't have Hogwarts in the basement, deal with it."
"But where do you get the stuff that isn't antique - who made the Avalon itself? - isn't anybody panicking about the medallion supply? -"
"Kid, nobody knows how to make medallions."
"But some people apparently know how to make luck charms and protection amulets!"
"I'm not going to give out my suppliers' personal information. I wouldn't do it even if you weren't annoying."
"There have to be books -"
"Does this look like a library to you?"
"Okay. It's probably best to do most experimental casting in one of our homes from now on--Jaromira's out with Daphne a lot, and Father usually only comes home to sleep, so my place is still safe most of the time even though you don't want me telling her."
"I don't mind meeting her, unless there's some particular hazard I should be warned about."
"Not particularly. It would have seemed awkward to make some kind of presumption on that level without a similar expectation of introducing you to my father, and I have no idea if or when you'd ever want to specifically meet him. I expect it would happen eventually, but--it's not like we have the kind of relationship where I tell him when things happen to me."
"He's about due to pretend he cares what's going on in my life soon; I'll probably mention you then. It's...possible he will want to meet you. To make sure I'm not seeing someone he'd be embarrassed to be tangentially associated with, most likely," he winces. "If so, I apologize for his behavior in advance."
"As long as you don't tell him you're a wyvern you pass muster. Not that I expect you to, but."
"Am I likely to encounter him in a public place? A 'bring this May person to dinner at this froofy restaurant' kind of thing?"
"Come to think of it I'm not sure. Well, I suppose it would also be inconvenient if he had an apoplexy in a not-public place; Jaromira and I don't reach our legal majority for most of a year."
Kanimir puts his books back in his bag. "Do you want to drive us or should I follow you in my car?"
She gives him a kiss to hold him for the duration of the drive, writes down her address in case he loses her in traffic, and heads for her car.
And here is her house. It is a cute little house, with a seasonal pumpkin on the doorstep and a sign over the doorbell noting that it is broken. May lets herself and Kanimir in.
A woman who bears a strong resemblance to May sticks her head out of the kitchen. "And does Kanimir want dinner? Hello there, I've heard only good things."
"I have heard mostly adorable things! I'd love to stay for dinner, if it's not an imposition."