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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Any time.


I find myself tired again. Thank you for hating the Enemy so much, it's very cheering.


She chuckles, darkly. I'll try not to growl about it too much. No promises, though. And don't worry if I'm not back tonight; I might stay with Findekáno if it seems like they'll find it helpful.


Okay. He's probably ridiculously busy and I really doubt he sleeps more than once a week, don't take it personally if so. Or you could ask to sleep in his arms while he scurries around working, he might be able to do that...


Mmhmm. Whatever seems like it'll help them; if that's coming back here that's fine too. Anyway, go ahead and rest, I should go hunt.

(Maitimo is so cute about Findekáno, he really is. When he's not, y'know, stressed and trauma-ey.)


He smiles and closes his eyes.


And she goes to hunt. She manages to find not one but two giant moose, each the size of an elephant; she heads to the jungle to take down a tree for firewood, too, and appears with them on the ice just at early evening.


He is, indeed, quite busy; they've scouted south across the first mountain range and are marching through there tomorrow, probably, no excuse for lingering here any longer, and they're not going to stop at all tonight and that means lots to do. He smiles at her and thanks her for the food.


All right.

Not today, then, but sometime before you next talk to Maitimo, they told me something you should know about, and you're probably going to want to have a bit of time set aside to focus on it.


This involves a lot of legwork but not much concentration, what does Maitimo need?


...all right. First I owe you an apology; I didn't know partnerships between people of the same type were disapproved of, here, and whatever I might've implied by that, I didn't mean to.

She definitely doesn't move as fast as an Elda.


He'll slow down. I figured it was a translation problem, you didn't say it like you were implying something offensive. People caring a lot about each other isn't disapproved of, you just wouldn't use the word 'partner', implies things you don't mean.


It's a cultural difference, actually, or rather two of them that tripped me up particularly badly together. Now I know, at least. One of them is kind of central to the thing I need to tell you, though.


I'm listening.


Sigh. Okay, so. I mentioned that the Enemy liked to impersonate you? They also liked to give them hallucinations about pretty much this exact scenario, it turns out - I don't know if you always crossed the ice, I didn't ask about that, but showing up, having been wronged, having part of the Noldor that Maitimo wants to see united. But. She makes a face.


He nods patiently. The Enemy probably saw us coming and was curious how Maitimo, if released, could be expected to act.


Not, uh, curious enough to make it realistic. Because you definitely wouldn't ask for that.


Raised eyebrow. 



In that case I'm not at all sure why the Enemy'd bother - what I want from him is an apology, the things we stole back, and assurance it won't keep happening...


I know. I don't doubt that. But the Enemy was torturing them - not just hurting them but putting them in a position where they'd choose to be hurt. This'd be so much easier if I could just say, here's a teleport spell, if you touch them without their permission they can get rid of you - they don't expect that. They expect you to ask. And that they'll say yes just in case it is real.


Well. If it helps, I want nothing to do with him. 



They're still scared. There's things we can do about that, if and when you do talk to them. Not much, but.


Do you have suggestions?


Be careful how you talk to them. Don't make them guess even for a moment about what you want, especially in the context of reuniting the hosts. Maybe avoid talking about things in terms of what would make you happy, that's how they put it to me the first time. Maybe avoid using their name, I haven't asked for details but they mentioned that the Enemy liked to. I've offered to make sure they don't have to be alone with you - I don't think that's needed but it'll make them feel a little better, there's probably more things along that line that would help, too, if it comes up.







He stops moving things. 

He nods. Thanks. If it's okay with you, I think I - need a minute -


She nods, solemnly and sadly. Would you like me to stay?

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