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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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She calms slightly, at that. And get the magic form that'll let me see magic, first. The very last thing we need is to not notice they've hexed someone.


Yes. Though it seems like they might not do that to powerful people who can retaliate. 


I have no idea. There's nobody like that in this part of the world.


...most bad people aren't bad to people stronger than them. Not all, but most. I promise we won't interfere in your world without your guidance, but I would be very surprised if elves provoked people who could stop them.


I wouldn't be. Most people make sense like that, but a lot of the time elves don't. There were Speakers working on trying to figure them out, before, and they didn't get very far.


Okay. There are a lot of more clear-cut priorities anyway, we won't step into anything delicate in your world.


Nod, hug. Thank you.


Thank you. A lot of people aren't hungry tonight because of you.


That gets a smile. And we'll have you out of here, too, soon enough.


...I'm really not expecting you to do anything for me in return, if that wasn't obvious. I'm already getting something I want; I want you to be okay. Hug!


Oh, that's not why I was thinking of it; if there's a situation that has in the past resulted in horrible violence and no real reason to think it won't happen again, that's the kind of thing I'd want to fix.


Okay. Just making sure.

A pangolin appears from the underbrush and shuffles by at an oblique angle; the kobold pauses to watch it go.


Your world has those too! My sister adopted one, as a kid.


I've never seen one before. Cute, though, in a weird kind of way, she chuckles.


I suppose if you'd grown up in a forest you wouldn't see many jungle things. Our home city was in more of a tropical climate.


Mmhmm, I'd never been out of the forest before, I don't know practically anything about jungles. Reminiscing time? It sounds like it could be reminiscing time if he wants to.


He hopes she won't eventually find it rude he's coordinating logistics and carrying out several other conversations at the same time, but - I'd love to hear about where you grew up.


So she tells him about the forest and her favorite plants and animals and lakes and streams and that one waterfall she really likes, complete with memories - it's not an unusually pretty forest, but she does have an eye for a nice scene and goes out of her way to find them, so they're pretty memories anyway.

After a while, the jungle starts to darken. I should head home.


Okay. It was nice talking to you. Stay safe.


She grins and hugs him - you too - and then pauses for a moment. I can leave the portals up - spell'll break when the flap is lifted or the tent is moved - but I should ask you to swear, if I'm going to; sorry.


To what?


She recites the have-never-served oath. I've only picked up a couple words in your language, I wouldn't understand a different one.


"I swear I have never served the Enemy." Uh, perhaps it should be 'never served Melkor' or something, intent matters enough I think 'the Enemy' is good enough but to the Enemy we're the Enemy, no?


Yeah. How would you say that?


"I swear I have never served Melkor."


Thanks. She leans on him for another moment. I really should get home. Have a good night.

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