They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Good! ...I never did finish enspelling your hand, did I. I can do that now if you'd like.
She grins. You're welcome.
It occurs to me that with all the running around I've been doing I forgot to tell you, your siblings wanting it as the password for their portals was proof enough for me, I can swear that I don't work for the enemy now - not completely reassuring, I know, but it seems to help at least. Want to hear?
I think that this is a hallucination, not that the Enemy actually has someone with your capabilities, or the war'd be lost already. But sure.
Yeah, but it at least rules that out; one less thing to worry about. "I swear I have never served the Enemy."
Nod. I do better with more people around. And I made a better first impression with the new host.
I imagine they appreciated the food, and were less on guard against efforts by the Enemy to use me against them.
Mmhmm. I'm going to be working with them to find someplace for them to settle, too - in your world but probably not close to your host.
Nod. And at least here you know what you're dealing with, though that obviously only helps so much. I'll mention the possibility, anyway.
Any news from your siblings?
Nod. I'm probably going to be pretty busy with the other host for a while, but I'll make time to stop over there.