They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Nod. Did you get any idea of what their priorities are going to be - food, weapons, whatever?
The Sun's new and should let them grow things. The Enemy hasn't attacked them. They may want mobility - if you can open portals from here to other places on the continent -
Sure, assuming they can either get me there or give me enough of the right kind of details.
I bet we can get it by the process that found us the coastline. They have surveyors and things. They'll also want portals to the sites of their mines and quarries.
Nod. That aiming method isn't very good if there are several places that are similar, but it's a good first thing to try at least. Portals to work sites should be straightforward.
Maybe. I haven't seen either of those things before, I'd have to know more about what they're like.
Kobolds really do not do metalworking at all. He has to start from 'iron comes from rocks'.
I'll need to see what iron ore and the other rocks you want look like to my mage-sense, and there's a pretty good chance that that kind of spell would also get caves that are near them sometimes unless I can use 'has people around' as a factor, but I should be able to do that.
If we can find ones they aren't working at yet, maybe higher-quality ones far away, that'd be even better.
That actually makes it easier. 'Open space near iron ore' should be really simple once I know what iron ore looks like.
Sure. And if there are any kinds of rocks that are especially similar but not what you want, those too, so I make sure to get the right thing.
She putters around taking care of chores for a while and then goes to the jungle to look for a suitable place to put the Eldar's portal; it takes a couple hours for her to settle on a nice cliff face.
She jerky-ifies some more meat and goes for a walk around the lake and realizes that she could be spending this time getting closer to the elves' village so they can teleport to or past it and gets a few hours' progress made on that. It's nearly sunset when she returns.
Sounds good. It's not 'they trust her' and she's not taking it as that, but it seems like a step in that direction and that's definitely nice.