They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Dripping works. I can do that by magic, actually, I think... A moment later, a trickle of water starts flowing from midair over his mouth.
The trickle stops. I can set it up so you can start and stop that yourself, if you'd rather. You'll need to move enough to touch something to activate the spell, though, or talk or something.
Okay. Let me see... she takes a little while to think through how the spell should work: sound trigger, pause of a second or so, a few seconds of trickling water and then it should shut off automatically, the spell itself running from a nearby spot on the floor, so that he doesn't have to speak loudly to activate it, over to the basin she's keeping full of water, where the actual teleportation will happen. Then her thoughts go private as she begins to cast the spell. Say the word you want to use?
You're welcome.
She puts the bowl away and returns to sit by him, vaguely worried about the future and not sure of what to say.
She goes out again. Hunting, this time, for something big enough that its hide will work as a blanket for him. No luck; she returns at sundown.
Pretty sunset tonight. If you keep healing at that rate I can probably bring you up to see a few before it gets too cold, if you want.
...does she want to know how long he was in that damned place, no, no she does not.
Yeah, the time between day and night, the sky gets really pretty. It does the same thing in the morning, with different colors, but it's already too cold for that to be comfortable to watch.
Nod. Let me know when you feel well enough to move, then - sitting up would help but you don't need to stand or walk, I'll be teleporting you anyway. I know a couple nice places for scenery, too, if you want to go out during the day.
...when the sun is up? We, uh, have, days, here - the sun comes up and it's bright and gets warm, and then the sun goes down and that's night, it's dark and gets colder, and it repeats. It's usually safer during the day, since it's easier to see things and most of the dangerous animals hunt at night; nights are longer during the fall and winter and days are longer during the spring and summer.
Definitely a different world, then. It's going to be the darkest part of the year soon and we still get hours of sun every day.