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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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You think it'll upset you more than them?


Not exactly? But I expect it'd make it harder for me to be around you and I'm assuming I'd still be the only one you were okay with doing that, and in general the things I'm good at I get worse at when I'm more traumatized - it wouldn't be a very good use of me.


You don't need to watch.



More spells?


Yes, please.


Three more. Only the thumb left.

I wonder if I shouldn't have more than just the portal to show them, if you think they're going to be that interested in my magic - I do think they're going to be pretty distracted, but I don't mind being over-prepared.


Can you do portals on two skins, that people can take with them to use as long-distance communication?


Not the way you're thinking of. Except for the one kind of targeting where it picks a new random spot each time the spell activates, I can't make spells with targets that move or change.


Okay. Maybe some items that teleport you at will, they'd be interested in those.


I'll have to make something to cast on, but I can do that, sort of. I can only use someone's thoughts as a trigger if the spell is actually on them, it'd have to be something that's triggered by touch or something.


That makes sense. And will aid them tremendously, if they decide they can trust it.


Yup. Slight grin.

I'm curious about how they're going to figure that out but I guess I shouldn't ask.


They'll want oaths. They'll verify that I'm me. Then they'll probably be willing to see the teleportation demonstrated, and then I think they'll decide based on factors that, yes, I should not tell you.




Require a common language. I should be teaching you more of ours. Words we speak aloud in a certain way are binding.


Huh. I'm actually not sure that'll work, for me. It's not something I've ever heard of before, we might not have it here.


If you don't know about it I'd be inclined to say it does not, but you said your species doesn't speak aloud much at all.


Yeah. Speakers are lorekeepers and there did used to be a reasonable number of us, though, and all of them would have known about that if it's as dangerous as it sounds like it might be, so I don't think it could have been lost if it was known of at all. So it depends on how it works, I guess.


It just works by talking aloud, it can be done by accident. Likely your species doesn't do it. I know that not all of the ones planned for Arda do.


Nod. Yeah, likely, in that case. I might not mind trying it depending on how it'll work if it does work - it might not work for anybody here but work for me there, or something - but better to assume it won't.


There are safe tries. You can say aloud, for example, "I swear that I'm next to the ocean right now," if you don't have oaths. If you have them you'd just be unable to say that.


Okay, that sounds safe enough. Would the language matter for a test like that?


No. It does need to be spoken aloud, though.




...if there's a word for 'swear' in animalperson I don't know it.


Hmm. I can teach you the Quenya but as a matter of principle you should never ever ever say things that might be oaths in a language you don't speak well.

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