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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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The Dwarves are the same as they were a few days ago, full of cheerful magic requests.


That's a little bit weird? But not in a bad way.

Tirinquo isn't quite sure what to make of the Dwarves. Rána keeps an eye on them, but for the most part they're content just to watch everything, and don't slow her down much.


The Dwarves are no more startled by two kobolds than one. Some people do address Tirinquo but when they don't get answers they just assume a language barrier.


And they're dealing with all different Dwarves, not just the same few, so there's not much point in explaining unless someone asks.

Rána doesn't push herself, but still gets a good amount done before lunch, which she decides to eat in the city.


The Dwarves are happy to provide!





She was going to portal in something from the Quendi city, but okay?


...she can do that too if she'd rather, they won't be offended.

Permalink some point if she's going to be here a lot she really should figure out a better way to deal with that part of their culture than 'be alarmed at anything even resembling it'. But maybe not today. Portal: lunch.


And then more magic requests!


Tirinquo is increasingly grumpy about being told not to touch stuff; eventually Rána sends them home, and the magic requests are fulfilled without further distraction.


They are appreciative and thank her.


No problem, really.

...also she has a question, sort of? If there's anyone who was affected by the trouble with the Doriath Quendi and would feel better with defensive spells or a way to teleport home or something, she'd like to make sure that's available to them, what's a good way to do that?


This city of Dwarves wasn't affected, it was mostly a different tribe. They could ask when they next see them, but it isn't very often.


Okay. Somebody's getting portals set up anyway, she can wait.


It's nice of her to think of that.


Something similar happened to her tribe when she was younger, it's kind of a big deal to her.


It's kind of objectively a big deal. They hope her tribe's okay now.


That too, yeah. Her tribe made it through okay, it was bad but it was brief and they were able to get away from it.


They're very glad. If her tribe needs weapons they can have as many as they need.


It's nice of them to offer. Not going to happen, for several reasons, but still nice of them.


If they have any questions about kobolds in general or her in particular she wouldn't mind answering them.


They do! Where do kobolds live, what do they do, how did they learn the magic, what do they eat, are others interested in meeting them....


So she tells them about kobolds, starting with the fact that she's from another world entirely that can only be reached by teleportation. She skips the bit about theft as a cultural feature but does explain that they don't do ownership, gives an overview of how Gifts work and explains that teleportation is hers, explains that they mostly don't talk and are very insular, and gives plenty of details about day-to-day life.


Their opinion of not doing ownership is profound concern and disappointment. "The Doriath Quendi don't either, it's a big part of why they're so terrible," someone explains casually. 

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