They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
First time I've been, y'know, actually pleased to be alive in a while. 'S nice.
The soup could use some attention; she goes to take care of it.
She sings a bit, while she's working with the soup and afterward. After another while, she tastes it and adjusts the spices one last time. Ready whenever you are.
No problem. I'll be around, anyway.
She takes care of some chores around the cave and then starts working on a painting of one of the birds from the jungle.
She finishes her painting and doesn't have anything else that immediately needs to be done. She's bored and it's not excruciatingly painful! This is somewhat amazing.
She doesn't know how to make cloth. Maybe she can figure it out. How do looms go again? For that matter how does fine-enough string go? She heads to the forest to see if she can find any likely-looking materials.
She tries a couple plants, but doesn't have any luck coming up with suitable thread for cloth. She naps; she goes and has something to eat; she considers painting again, but decides to save her materials.
She waits until it seems like she won't be interrupting anything, checks in with him, and then goes back to the jungle to look for a nice vantage point for watching its sunrise or sunset. She doesn't find one on this trip, but she seems to be making pretty decent progress on it; she comes back in time to turn on the spell to watch the local one.
She sleeps on, oblivious.
In the morning she has eggs for breakfast and makes soup and switches the spell over to show the sunrise and sits with him for a little while.
...yeah. I'll set them up with a trigger, it'll probably take most of the morning - do you want to trigger them all at once, or in batches, or how would you like to do it?