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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Why is she even bothering to arrange her thoughts into sentence-ish structures, that's work and it's obviously not needed, she'll just not do that. She still wants to know what's happening in the next few decades, though.


We're going to live here and fight the orcs if they terrorize people anywhere - orcs are the Enemy's footsoldiers - and grow food to send to other places that need it, and work on backup plans for if that one fails.


Okay. They should probably not expect her to fight - she might change her mind on that but it won't be soon - but that sounds all right.

What are the other people like?


Quendi and orcs and humans and supposedly there are Dwarves somewhere, we haven't been able to set up a meeting yet. Different tribes of Quendi. 


If any of those are near enough that she might run into them she should know more, and even if not she's curious; of those species she's only familiar with humans. It can wait, though. How about the city, what are things like here, is there anything she should know? (It's such a pretty city, she had no idea you could do that with stone, it's amazing.)



The Quendi need our surroundings to be pretty or we get deeply unhappy, very fast. I'm glad you like it! The city is run on work teams, which work longer shifts than humans can manage, I don't know if elves are more like us or more like humans - and he goes into its layout and scheduling and authority structure and projects. 


Elves are pretty much like humans, yeah, and she's pretty lousy at handling long hours even by that standard; when she gets too tired she has even more trouble thinking than usual. If they have mindless menial work that needs doing and someone can make sure her needs are met - Ila can do a lot of that but can't, say, cook, or walk her through tasks with lots of steps - that'd be possible but in no way ideal; it also takes her a long time to recover from doing a lot of that.

The city's administrative setup is fascinating, though. She doesn't really grasp it as a functional whole - too complicated - but she tucks away a bunch of trivia, anyway.


If you can look after the horses a few hours a day, and go on occasional scouting trips, that would work well for us.


Yeah, she can definitely handle that.



Perfect. Thank you. I'll have Tyelcormo check in with you occasionally to make sure you know where to find everything.


Thanks. And off she goes. She's not at 'wobbly' yet but she's noticeably less graceful than she was coming into the room - she should go to wherever it is she'll be staying and lie down, maybe, but once she does she's not going to be getting up again for a while, so if there's anything else that she should do today, now's the time. (Not unpacking. Unpacking can wait.)


No one asks her to do anything else.


Then she will make her way back to her room. Before she goes in, she gives Tyelkormo a quick hug. Thank you.


Yeah, for sure. Take care. You can reach me by thinking at me if I'm in the city at all.


Okay. Osanwë: pretty cool. And now she's going to go lie down and let her head catch up with itself.


And he will head out scouting with Huan because recruitment success, sort of, and let the kobold know where the elf is so they can avoid her.


The kobold is nowhere to be found, actually. She's gone back to the other host for the day, and is working steadily through the pile of things needing simple spells, as she usually does when she wants to take her mind off something.


Everything okay?


Sigh. Will be. She finishes a spell and starts another. Tyelkormo brought the elf they made friends with home with them.


I'm sorry, that was kind of thoughtless of him when you want to avoid all elves.


I'm not really surprised, Tyelkormo being who they are.


Well, true.


I wonder if they realize they do that. Like, at all. I know they don't care; I'm wrong, they're not going to humor me. But I wonder if they noticed that this'd push me like this when they did it. She sounds more wryly amused than anything else.


No idea. My sister might know; they used to be friends.


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