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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Not your fault. But yeah, I should go. Good night.


The mages train. He can't justify talking with the Fëanorians more often than once a month but he is pointed about it when a month's passed. They continue building their city.


Celegorm figures out the elves' language - doesn't ask for help, even though he probably should - and then asks her for a teleport out to go see them.


She can arrange to have the following afternoon free; she wants to see how it goes. She also wants to hear what he's planning to do.


I'm gonna go tell them that some of their prisoners are unhappy, in case they don't know, and then ask why they're keeping them and what they want in exchange for cutting it the fuck out.


Okay. And if they want to know who you are and where you're from?


Can't think why I wouldn't tell them.




That's probably safe enough if you claim that the teleportation magic is from this world, if it comes up, I guess. Probably.


Wasn't gonna tell them about that, I thought you were worried that would freak them out?


...I mean, if they ask where you're from and your answer is 'a different world', that kind of tells them.


I was going to say 'Valinor'. They probably wouldn't even believe me about a different world.


...Yeah, okay, that sounds fine. Tomorrow, then.

And the next afternoon, she finds a spare room she can set up portals in and sends him off.


And he walks over to the Elf city, practicing the language in his head, and waves to show his empty hands as he gets near the gates though in a world with mages that can't be too reassuring.


It can't, no, because of mages and spellbearers both; the guards, for example, are similarly unarmed. When they spot him, they confer for a few seconds - "What is that?" "I have no idea." "Titan?" "Probably not. Amizo, go get a mage and tell everyone to take shelter." - and then one of them heads into the village. The remaining three resume their positions and wait for him to approach.


Which he will, smiling. "Hello," he says when he's close; they don't seem to have as good hearing as Quendi. 


"Hello, traveler. What brings you to Bluespring?"

The guards aren't blocking the entryway per se, but their stances suggest that if he tries to go through, they're prepared to stop him.


"Introducing myself. Tyelcormo. I'm a Quendi. We're from Valinor, which is so far from here the stars look very different."


"That must be very far indeed, I'd never heard of the phenomenon. But Bluespring is just an outpost; surely you'd be better served by going to the city?"


"I will definitely do that but I ran across you first and I can talk to animals and noticed that a bunch of yours were prisoners and very distressed, so i wanted to fix that before I headed to the city. What're you keeping them for?"


"...excuse me?" The elf is confused, also somewhat offended.


"I can talk to animals, some of the animals here are distressed and unhappy. I'm sure you aren't doing that on purpose and I figured you'd stop once you realized you were hurting them."


"Well. If you wait here someone will be along shortly to talk to you."

Behind the guards, the streets of the village are clearing out rapidly, which makes the mage who's appeared to look at Tyelkormo much more obvious. She peers at him, then approaches calmly.



"Hi." He hates people so so much why do they suck.


If he's reading their minds even a little bit he'll notice that they're kind of expecting him to morph into something scary and attack them at any moment, they're actually being pretty nice considering.

"Hi! I'm Ilu, is everything okay here?"

"We need Fimere, actually. Or Mimale, if he's busy," says the guard.


...okay, fair, he will pause on hating people. "Hi," he says, "I'm Tyelcormo, and everything's good, I'll wait here until you find whoever you're looking for."

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