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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Mmhmm. None of the animals seem to be preparing for there not to be, and there wouldn't be this many eggs if there wasn't going to be food for hatchlings.



Can you do another bone?


Sure. Middle one on that finger okay?


Yes. Thank you.


This one's a little faster.

I think once I've done one or two more I'll have enough of a hang of it to give you a trigger to do the actual teleportation, I'm sure the surprise of it isn't very nice.


Thank you.

He tries to mostly not let amusement at the idea of sparing him not-nice things through.


Better amusement than confusion, she's not going to complain.

Anyway, I've got a new kind of fruit to try, I'll be around for a few hours if there's anything you want to talk about or anything.



Okay. I can't think of anything. I'm glad you've got a new place for food.


Yeah, that was a good idea.

I should probably start trying for your world, next, even if I don't go there yet, so I don't forget the location-signature. The way it works, a map would help, but not actually much more than a description would; most of the things I use to aim aren't the kinds of things that go on maps.


So he sends mental images of Valinor, and of the coastline. I shouldn't tell you how far or in what directions or with what results my people'd scouted the other continent by the time I was captured.


She nods. Sure. Which of those places should I be trying for?


Don't try for Valinor, they're really defensive and scared right now. Or were last I heard. Coastline's probably safe.


Okay. Let me see what I can do - portals will be handy for this, I won't have to go to check.

Her first try takes twenty minutes and results in a portal to a remarkably similar bit of coastline to one of the ones he showed her, but clearly on a different world, as there's an unexpected island off in the distance. The second try takes a bit more than five, and gets what appears to be the right world, except that it's day. She deactivates the spell quickly and sits back down, confused. I'm pretty sure I had it right that time...


Was that Valinor? It's possible the Valar have found another way to light Valinor...


Dunno. Let me look.

She goes and gets a skin from her drawing supplies and repeats the spell on it, brightening the cave again. This time, the view rotates with the skin; she swivels to look around.

...there's a sun.


I don't know much about Suns; is it possible my world acquired some?


I don't think so? But a world that's dark all the time seems pretty implausible to me, too, so I have no idea. Is there anything else I could look for to check?


Nothing comes to mind. It may have to wait until I am well enough to write the letter to my brothers.


She deactivates the spell.

It doesn't seem like a very good idea to go wandering around a strange world without knowing anything about it, which I won't if it's the wrong one. I can try to make portals to the other places you showed me, though, if I can that's probably proof enough. Do you want to watch?


Yes, I think so. You're sure there's no way portals can be used or noticed by anyone on the other end?


They can't be used; I don't think they can be noticed, but your world's magic is obviously different, so I can't be sure.


Don't do Angband, then. Everywhere else would be fine. You could try opening one to Tirion...

He sends mental images.


Yeah, I'm not messing with Angband.

She casts. It takes a couple minutes, but the result sure does look like sun-lit Tirion.


The Valar must have decided to do a sun, then.

Odd premise for the game, but not one he particularly objects to.



All right - I'm going to go through for a second and grab a location-signature on the coastline, is there anything I should know before I do?

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