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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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They've got all of those they need.


Fancy plants it is, then. By the end of the day she has a potato plant that'll produce bigger, more nutritious tubers year round, and she's working on a grapevine that'll produce different tasting fruit.


And he's working on grain that grows faster and is more resilient to rotting. 


And the next morning she gets to see what the Fëanoreans have come up with.


Things that can grow in the lake and clear up the water, poisoned by orcs back during the war. Things that can feed horses and grow in the rocky, foggy northern climate.


Clever. She'll cast those for them, then, and presumably they also want their forges made fuel-less and such?


Yes, they very very much want that.


Someone will have to show her what temperature or range of them they need, but she can totally do that.

Anything else? Water and fire creation are pretty straightforward and probably don't need much experimentation; the teekay-like thing is weirder and probably more useful once they figure out how...


They will have to experiment. They are at least pretty good at that.


They certainly are.

The teekay-like thing: applies a simple force to the enspelled thing or whatever's touching it. You could fly that way, in theory, though landing gently is tricky enough that it's really not wise to. It'd be useful for moving stuff around if they didn't already have teleportation for that. As is, the obvious use for it is weaponry, making arrows fly faster and swords strike harder.


They could fly and land in the lake.


They could! She's going to pass on swimming in poisoned water, but she'll give them the relevant spells if they want them anyway.


He totally wants to fly. And does. It's lovely. Huan chases his shadow around on the ground chuffing with laughter at him.


That really does look like fun. Maybe she can figure out a better way to land...


It turns out that if you're unmoving in the air, teleporting down to the ground is perfectly safe. She joins him. Flying is excellent.


It really is. It's great for morale, even for people who're splashing down.


Really really.

Eventually she has to get on with her day, though. She stops in to see Maitimo before lunch, as usual.


I heard it went well!


Yep! We got a better light form and four new ones. They must've told you about the plant one? We'll be able to do a lot with that, and we also got ones that make fire and water and one that sort of pushes things around, it seems like it'll be good for weapons and you can fly with it if you're careful enough about landing.


That's fantastic. We should also be careful about being seen.


Yeah. Tyelkormo isn't going to be happy - I can find them someplace safer to go flying in, though, that should be okay.


Yeah, maybe a good idea.


Nod. I'll look tomorrow, or tonight if I find the time.


Okay! It's not too urgent. Tyelcormo will live.


Mmhmm. But it shouldn't take too long, anyway.

Anything else?


We should have gone for magic sooner, silly of us. 

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