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kobold and post-Angband Maedhros
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Like I said, kind of awful. I assume they make sense to themselves and think we're just as bad, most kobolds don't make very polite neighbors - nothing like that, but. She shrugs.


We've got to stop them.


They really aren't a problem, now? They stopped, they haven't started again, I don't think they will as long as we're reasonably careful.


Are you sure kobolds are the only people they tried to wipe out - what if they succeeded - what if someone's not careful - no, we have to stop them.


Sigh. I'm not sure there's a way to do that without just provoking them again.


How many of them are there.


A village, here? Couple hundred, maybe. But there's a city someplace, too, if something starts happening to these ones I expect there'll be more.


So they probably are hurting lots of other people and wiping other species out, then.


I don't think trying to wipe people out is normal behavior for them - they might not realize we're people, actually, the tigerfolk didn't until I started working with them, the thing where we mostly don't talk confuses people that do.


But you don't know, it might be. You're afraid they'd do it again. And there might be other people they don't realize are.


Yeah. But I think that's a pretty small risk - we have lore going back hundreds of years and they've never done that before - and doing something that might provoke them is a much bigger one - we don't know why they stopped, and like I said we're still recovering, so we're assuming they'll be easier to provoke for a while to be on the safe side.


I agree that kobolds shouldn't be the ones to do it. We have to, though.


Should wait 'till after the war, at least. And you need to be careful, I'm not sure they won't just assume it's kobolds anyway depending on what you do.


March in with swords being not kobolds. I don't see why it should wait until after the war.




You really don't seem to understand why wiping out a species is not okay or overlookable, it's freaking me out.


It isn't? But they didn't do that, they stopped. I think we need to know why that happened before we even consider killing them back.


We weren't going to kill them.


...they have mages. With, like, at least two or three different kinds of attack magic. Who aren't above hexing people. If you march in with swords they're going to try to kill you, you killing them instead is the good outcome of that.


Most people when badly outnumbered do not try that. If elves are different from all other people in that respect too, then that'd be useful to know.


I don't know. We pretty much just assume they're not going to be rational about much of anything, but I'm not sure how much of that is true and how much of it is just being careful - we lost a lot of lore in the war, especially about them.


Okay. We'll spy on them first, then. Learn the language and everything.


All right. You'll need an antimagic spell if you're going to be that close to the village that long.


Are there problems with getting one?

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