They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Thoughts on this? She sends the memory of Tyelkormo's 'Don't tell my cousins I'm sorry and I hope they're okay and stuff, they wouldn't appreciate it'. I think they're probably wrong, at least if I find the right moment and share it exactly like that.
No, I think he's probably right. Or at least that they'll express disgust and annoyance and anger if they hear it.
She heads over. There's snuggly clinging.
They're sending a letter with advice, and if you're attacked again they'll come help - I'm not giving them a way to teleport here unless you ask me to, I'll set something up so you can tell me to go get them. She taps one of her necklace stones indicatively.
She nods. I think they'd try not to be? I don't think they'd be very good at it. They aren't planning to, anyway. They don't think you'll be attacked again soon, they said.
I want to see about those spells I mentioned, but I should be okay to go hunting after lunch.
Yeah. Hug. Let me show you how these rocks work? They're weapons, I can teleport them places and they land like they've fallen a long way, I can set it up so you can direct them if you have an idea of where you'll want them...
Probably. I can't guarantee I'd get it right without doing risky things with portals first, though.
I don't think it'd destroy the place anyway. Maybe worth saving for when you know more about your magic.
Yeah. In the meantime we have them for here, it's not like I can't make more. And - do you have ranged weapons, do you need supplies for making them? I can make portals you can shoot through, and the same portals will probably work fine for guards to watch through? I'm not really a fighter at all, I'm guessing at what'll be useful, but I can do those. And the spells to get injured people to safety.
We have bows and are not, now that we're off the ice, too short of supplies to make those. Portals to shoot through would be great.
Good. I'll need to know where they should let out... it might work best for me to cast on hides and you can build things to hold them wherever you want them?
Logistics ensues. She doesn't know much about how things should be set up, but she has a pretty good feel for how to work efficiently within that limitation.