They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
There isn't anything at all with no people. I have a few places without many, though. She passes him the relevant skins.
Well, maybe they'll be pleased to have a hundred thousand neighbors. He sighs. Any way to tell how far these are from the Enemy?
Not with the magic. With your eyesight you might just be able to see if I put the portal high enough and let you move the perspective around, I'm not sure.
And shortly there's a portal. It follows how you hold it, she demonstrates, then hands it over.
He is delighted. Thank you! You're really clever with how you put this to use - hmmm -
Sounds good. Scouts first? And once you're ready I can do big teleportation areas just right on the ice that'll take people there.
Findekáno: has her figured out. She leans into the hug, but doesn't cling. You're very welcome.
It'll be warm and safe and lovely. We can do portals to somewhere with iron.
...I might end up moving there, if that's okay. I think I'll get along better with you than the other host.
Less of a cultural difference, at least I hope. The way you described them earlier... it sounds like they live very separate from each other, socially. And kobolds very much don't; we need companionship like you need beauty, I think.
Leaning on him? Yup, leaning on him.
He hugs her. I don't think we're different from them culturally. We were one people, before they left us to die. We probably do cuddle more, now, out of habit.
She grins up at him. That's important, yeah. And, like... they had a thousand questions about my magic but never thought to thank me for helping their sibling. Which, I don't mind, I guess? That's not why I did it or anything. But it's not what I want from tribemates.
He laughs. That does sound like my cousins, yeah. Well, we're happy to have you.
She doesn't have any particular plans for the rest of the day - she could tell him about herself or kobolds in general or her magic or something, if he's interested and not busy.
He is extremely busy but it looks like she could use that. He would love to hear about her.