They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
All right. The quickest way to do that is for them to come touch my hand, but I need to cast the spell first; don't read my mind while I'm doing it, it's dangerous.
All right, done. Can you hear me okay from there if I swear now?
"I swear I have never served the Enemy."
Ready whenever you are. Whoever's going should use that wording and wait 'till they're here to say it, my hearing isn't as good as yours and I don't actually know the language.
And she teleports them to the jungle, to the base of that cliff she liked.
I should go set up a way for them to get back; is there anything else you'd like me to do?
Sure. I'll bring you what I have right now and I can go hunting after - meat is okay, right? I have wood for fires to cook it.
She puts a spell at the base of the cliff and then tries to get their attention to explain it to them.
She explains the spell - stand and/or put things here, touch there, it'll follow the host but it'll stop working when they get someplace warm enough - and gives them a quick overview of what she knows about the jungle so far.
I'm going to go bring them some food now, do you need or want anything when I'm done with that?
You can call me Kobold, my species doesn't really do names. I was with the other host and heard about it when they noticed you; going to help seemed like the thing to do - I don't know much about the situation, just that you were probably in trouble.
I'm not, like, with them. Mostly. It's complicated. Is there something I should know about?
I'm going to need to ask them for their side of it, but, is this something you want made right somehow, or just to be left alone now, or what?
I don't know if I can get a sincere apology out of them but I can probably get them to return your things, if it's that straightforward.
I should go bring your host the food and then see what I can do about that.
Well, we'll find out.
Ten minutes later she's back on the ice, with a giant bear's worth of meat - ten regular bears' worth, about a third of it in jerky form and the rest raw - and several pumpkins and the rest of the pears and a bunch of other miscellaneous fruits and vegetables from her pantry, plus firewood.
They're entirely welcome and she can sample bits of things if that'll make them feel better about the poison thing.
If there's someone in charge here she should probably talk to them.