They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Of the other host, I'm guessing I'll be able to find them if I put a portal over the city and look? Though 'group of people in a cold place' is also something I can do if you think that's more likely to work, I don't know.
They can't be within fifty miles of the city, they'd have heard about it a lot sooner than that. How far would the portal be?
Yes but how far overhead? In order for us to see people who are probably hundreds of miles away?
Overhead of them. I can aim for the host if I know about their surroundings, 'a bunch of people in a cold place' is probably specific enough, right?
One of the things she did earlier was bring in another rock to put sunset viewing portals in so he wouldn't have to give up the portal to the city; that one now gets a portal showing an overhead view of the host from half a mile up.
So what's going on?
Who are they? What happened? Would it be a bad idea for me to go invite them to hang out in the jungle for a while?
It might be a really good idea. Though use the password, I don't know if the Enemy could have infiltrated them.
Yeah, of course. Okay. I'll be back soon.
She can't aim well enough to appear in front of the host, but she can at least avoid appearing right in the middle of them; she shows up a hundred feet or so from the nearest Elda. Hello, please don't shoot me, I'm here to help.
Hi. It's a long story, but I have teleportation magic and I know a nice warm jungle I can bring you to. The downside is that it's also unexplored - I don't know what plants are safe to eat; I don't know if there are dangerous animals - and you can't stay, it's in a different world and I don't want to introduce a new species of person there. I'll find someplace warmer here to bring you to, you don't have to come back exactly here. We don't share a language and I'm not sure swearing actually works for my species but I can swear I don't work for the Enemy; I'm going to want anyone who goes to the jungle to swear that, too. Also, I can bring you some food - not a lot, for a group this size, but some.
All right. The quickest way to do that is for them to come touch my hand, but I need to cast the spell first; don't read my mind while I'm doing it, it's dangerous.
All right, done. Can you hear me okay from there if I swear now?
"I swear I have never served the Enemy."
Ready whenever you are. Whoever's going should use that wording and wait 'till they're here to say it, my hearing isn't as good as yours and I don't actually know the language.
And she teleports them to the jungle, to the base of that cliff she liked.
I should go set up a way for them to get back; is there anything else you'd like me to do?
Food would be appreciated. We are marching on Angband as soon as we've recovered from the Ice.
Sure. I'll bring you what I have right now and I can go hunting after - meat is okay, right? I have wood for fires to cook it.
She puts a spell at the base of the cliff and then tries to get their attention to explain it to them.