They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Pretty reasonable. She goes in and finds a good spot for the portal and casts it, warning first that it'd be dangerous to read her mind while she does so. I need to go back to my world to set up the other side, so they can see and hear you. Osanwe doesn't work through portals; would you like me to come back when I'm done with that?
Sure. She disappears from the tower and reappears in the cave. That went all right. They had some kind of giant wolflike creature come sniff me - image - named Huan. I didn't have a chance to ask for any other names; they still aren't sure of me and want to talk to you right away. She puts a portal in the viewing rock. Do you want that light portal? They know we're in a cave.
Grin. Good. She casts the light portal.
I won't be able to understand what you're saying but I'd still like to watch, if you don't mind.
So she finds a spot to sit and watch, visible enough that she's clearly not hiding but also far enough away that she's clearly not intending to be part of the conversation.
"Hi," Maitimo says. "This is almost certainly a trick and obviously don't discuss anything sensitive. I may not even be able to verify it's me; the Enemy tampered with my memories and could probably impersonate me pretty effectively."
"All right," says a tense voice on the other end.
"If you're real, though, and not an illusion of the Enemy's. you need to learn Kobold's teleportation magic, it'll help you win the war. I'm not vouching for their trustworthiness; I don't trust them. But if the magic is real you need it."
Mmhmm. I should be able to ask whoever's showing me, at least, if it's one of them. Or maybe they'll want to talk to me afterward.
Did they say how long it'll take for them to be ready?
Okay. Shouldn't keep them waiting, then. Warn them I'm going to teleport back to the tower?
Good, and she grins.
She appears a little ways away from the gathered brothers. Hello again.