They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Because they don't want to deal with how people will react. Because that kind of thing is really private for most people. Because they want to pretend it didn't happen or just not deal with it in their day to day life and people knowing stops them from doing that. Lots of reasons. I had no way of knowing whether you would have one or not; safer to assume you did.
I mean, if you don't you don't, people vary a lot when it comes to that even when it's the only thing going on. I was being careful about it because if you wanted me not to know, or not to act like I knew, then once you knew I did we'd have a problem; I don't mind that you're okay with it. The question of how they'll react is a harder one, but something as ambiguous as me giving them the message I suggested is a good way to handle that; if they don't want to think about it at all they can assume I just meant regular torture, and if they do work it out it's still not obvious that I had your permission to even hint, if I do it right. They can come to whatever conclusion they're comfortable with, or at least whatever makes the most sense with what they know about you. And I can keep an eye on them and if they have trouble with it anyway I can talk to them more, or send them to you if that seems like a good idea.
Managing them too closely might tip them off that something's not right too, keep in mind.
This is the fifth faked rescue. If you're in enough pain for long enough the distinction to keep your thoughts private can slip and he can do this thing that makes your head feel like it's splitting open, to dig at thoughts he can already see. I think they got a lot out of me, things they'll use against my family. They tortured a lot of people in front of me. Sometimes they had me choose who they'd hurt, sometimes they'd ask me to torture someone and if I refused it'd be much worse. Sometimes I had a chance to kill prisoners and I took it. They tampered with my memory so I remember doing a lot of things I don't think I would do under any duress but maybe I'm just wrong about myself. I don't remember anyone's names. Except mine, because he used it all the time with me.
I can't think what else is likely to come up.
The explicit torture and making you think you did things you probably didn't, I expect they'd rather not know about. The private thoughts thing I don't know enough about to say. It being the fifth fake rescue is probably safe, but the details might not be. The things about the names depend on your culture, probably - mine doesn't use them in the first place so it's hard for me to guess.
I am assuming they don't know much about Angband to start with; if there are specific things that they know usually or sometimes happen that could change their reactions to those, in either direction.
Nod. Yeah, so about like that, then. The thing where they got information out of you is mostly upsetting in a very different way from the rest, too - it's dangerous but it's not all that horrifying, and I expect they'll react best to that if you tell them that as soon as you can.
Yeah. It doesn't have to be the absolute first thing you say, though - first conversation, if it's not too awkward to work in, first day if at all possible. Making it too much of a priority makes it sound like an emergency, not just a dangerous thing, and unless that happened very recently it almost certainly isn't that.
All right, sorry about that. I don't have a very good feel for what you do and don't have trouble with, yet; I wouldn't actually have thought of that particular thing as a rule.