They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
Nod. I think one of us will have to have to tell them something sooner or later, though. I don't think I can convince them that I can't bring them here.
That still leaves them probably wanting to see you in person, not through a portal, though. Which isn't an unsolvable problem - if you need me to I can just refuse to let them come and not even explain; it might cause problems later but I can handle that, probably - but it kind of is one.
She chuckles. I hope we can manage to be a little more diplomatic about it than that. But if it comes down to it, sure, very reasonable.
We can play it off as me needing my own space. That's not even slightly true, but if you're not going back there anyway it'll be easy to pretend.
I think you being that up front about it might bother them as much as that it happened and is still affecting things. There are gentler ways of saying it, if it turns out to need to be said. Or of saying things close to that that they might guess from but they can still let themselves believe it wasn't that bad if they need to.
I hadn't been assuming you'd be okay with them knowing. If you are... something like, you've had a lot of things happen that you didn't have control over, and you need that to not happen any more, and that means nobody should touch you unless you ask them to? That's not how you'd say it but it doesn't seem like the kind of thing you'd say, I'm imagining I'd be saying it for you.