They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
They've left him alone in his cell.
He can't really be said to be lucid but he has very acute instincts for when there's someone and when he's alone - it's the last of his senses to depart him - and he's alone.
And then suddenly he isn't.
They would like portals to the sky so they can grow crops, and heat for the forges, and portals to move goods while mining and tools for mining and portals to trade with other cities -
She can do most of those things! Did they have something in mind for the mining tools, do they have a way to get her to the other cities?
They don't, not faster than 'walk there' but if she can make paired portals they can take one to the other city next time a trade caravan comes.
Not paired, but there's a trick they could pull off with a big enough one and a wagon or something, she'll set that up.
(She can also fly pretty fast, if they need something set up more urgently, but they don't seem to, so it's probably not the best use of her time.)
She enspells the forges and tells them about the various spells she has for growing plants - light spells and light portals and multi-portal setups for plants that need more light than the sun will give them during the winter or at all and automatic watering spells and spells for the plants themselves - and sets those up for them and makes them portals and lightening carts and...
And they are absolutely thrilled and the Quendi said just to set up an account in the bank and settle on prices for everything with the Quendi and add it to the account, don't discuss it, so they do that.
And be much appreciated!
(They ask Elves what to do with the money in the account. The Elves suggest arming to protect themselves against the evil god?)
Rána is perfectly happy not knowing what the money is being used for. Or that it exists, for that matter.
Eventually the subject of casting on people comes up: She can, that's how she can fly and glow and things, but the usual way of doing it is to set the spell up to react to the spellbearer's thoughts, and for some reason her magic can't see their thoughts. Which doesn't mean she can't cast on them, just that they won't be able to control spells that way, which is usually considered a bad thing to do to someone.
...yeah, seems like they shouldn't have spells that work like that. Her magic can't see their minds because Dwarves are immune to mind-affecting magic.
Mmhmm. She can still cast on them if they want her to, they'll just have to come up with a safe enough way of controlling the spell - hand signs, maybe, if there's some they're sure enough that they won't do by accident.
That explains why they can't hear osanwë, too, probably?
Yep, can't hear osanwë and can't be tampered with by the Enemy and aren't affected by mood songs and so on. They think it's a very useful way to be.
Sounds it, yeah. She likes osanwë, but not having to worry about the rest would be nice. (..she can probably do a spell that'll teleport someone away if they're affected by a mood song, she files that idea away to mention to the Quendi.)
Well, having osanwë would have helped with stopping the Doriath Quendi from hunting them for sport.
As in, not to eat, just for fun? Yeah. They assume. Quendi are kind of incomprehensible, really.
Breathing. Right. Breathing. Not having a flashback, nope. Breathing.
...she needs to not be alone right now, that is the worst thing. She pops back to the Ñolofinwëan city. Findekáno?