in color amentans meet hazel
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" - that seems like not the same category as soldier, really, is all..."


"In my home country sex work is orange instead but then I moved to Anitam."


"Well. It's very nice to meet you. Are the kids interested in coming along as well?"


"Aitim decided not to tell Elemi about all the stuff - he's two - uh, Amentan years two. Katin and Ana want to come though. Ana wants to move into your house and learn about magic and Aitim is going to get her a grant for it."


" - okay. Well, we've got space - and little kids, apparently Amentans reaaaally like little kids..."


"That'll be convenient, yeah, especially if she winds up perma-springing here. And Katin's married and has a baby, Nilo, and there's Teplah, they're too little to repeat any secrets."


"Oh good. I have a Portkey to take us home - everyone has to be touching it -"


"Ooh, fun. Come on in and we can all crowd around it."


"Wow. Space alien Papa," says Katin. "Uh, hi. I'm Katin, this is Tiko, this one is Nilo and this one is Teplah."

"Hello," says Ana. "I'm Ana."


"I think you guys are the space aliens, this is our planet. Hi. Wow. Ours are still toddlers - well, Catherine runs more than toddles, these days - orange is teaching? Green is singing? I thought these were inherited but you guys are all over -"


"Tiko's a teacher, I do daycare," says Katin.

"It's patrilineal in Anitam. I could have fudged it for Katin since she was born in Tapa but I thought orange would be better," says Peka.


" - but Aitim is blue and Makel's kids are green -"


"They're a rainbow family! When Aitim ran for election he didn't play it up because he thought yellows would feel excluded by comparison! Uh, Makel's parents are green but his dad is green by virtue of 'ran away from being blue and greened very greenily'. So Aitim and the twins ran, uh, back."


" - that sounds like them, yeah. Okay. So you touch this and it'll teleport us to right by my house - it's impossible to teleport into my house -"


"What kind of range does that have -"


"We haven't tried leaving the planet but it might be that we can obviate alien Dad's spaceship discovery, yeah."


"To think that yesterday we thought it was impossible to teleport anywhere at all," says Ana, and she touches it. Katin arranges baby hands on grabbable parts. Eventually everyone is in contact with it.


It has a kinda glide-y feel and if you are not used to it you will probably fall down on the landing. He cushions persons holding babies.


People fall over! Nilo starts crying but Katin hands Teplah back to their mom and has him shushed in fourteen seconds flat.


"So the house is right over that hill," he says, pointing. "You have to kind of - believe me that the house is there, and expect it to be there, and then soon enough you'll be able to see it."


"How does that work?" asks Ana.

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