in color amentans meet hazel
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Shasali and her colleagues pick it up.


Kan and contributors to the previous government of Britain have put together a new government of Britain. Things of particular cultural importance which were illegal for being sinful are still illegal but not if you have confessed them; confession will be available electronically from prison in case anyone is arrested and would like to confess before trial. The local gay dating app has a button to send a confession to an appropriately certified priest. 

Penalties have mostly been lightened across the board, with the exception of Amentans insisting that 'domestic violence' and 'marital rape' are crimes and fairly serious ones. Flogging is under review to figure out if a consistent application is possible; in the meantime you get sentenced to long terms of hard labor for most things that used to be capital crimes.


There is still a House of Commons and a House of Lords. The latter is blue, the former is everyone. 


" - I guess it's easier to turn 'hard labor' into something humane than to turn executions into something humane but still, ugh, at its worst it's just 'slow death'."


"If it's you can't we hope that it's not going to be whatever it'd be at its worst? Also they do realize that no one has internet but them yet, right?"


"Apparently that is expected to change before these go into effect!"


"This is not how confession is supposed to work but I often don't do it right either."


"No, no, they got a Bishop - oh, Anglican Bishop, I guess you're still stuck - they got an Anglican Bishop to say remote confessions are okay."


"Maybe they will get the Pope to say things too. I'm not sure if it still counts if aliens make him say things? I dunno."


"I mean, some past things Popes said were under various kinds of political pressure? Aliens might be more pressure-y, though. I'm excited about the internet, we can sing things and put them on it and then anyone can listen."


"Like the concert doodads but more."


"Oh, they added civil marriage, that's neat!"




"Well, like, the Church won't marry Rebecca, but now even if she'd married a Muggle it'd be a legal marriage. And no one'll do a religious intermarriage but now they can get a civil one, the civil definition is just two persons of sixteen or older."




"By that definition two men could get married."


"The aliens do that. I guess they wanted to let us do it too, if anyone wanted to."


"Maybe there are tax benefits."


"Maybe they just want to make sure every single fucking thing interacts with their state so when they start sterilizing people they have a nice long list."


"Probably that too."


"We'll hear about it when they think they have long-lasting reversible contraception and then it'll be not-quite-effective-enough-to-justify-population-controls."


"It's really nice having stuff that works, I feel kind of bad about sabotaging it."


"Yeah, me too - but the clinics do condoms and abortions, there are options if you don't want to get pregnant or want to stop..."


"Abortions are really bad!"

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