in color amentans meet hazel
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"Can you make that take more than ten years."


"Yes but with substantial political costs."


"Can you restrict Veritaserum use to interrogations for serious crimes where only questions about guilt of that crime are asked?"


"Yes but with substantial political costs. Less costs if you make it a condition of supplying it."


"What happens if this isn't as good at improving the justice system as you expect?"


"Then it's not a big enough lever to abolish the death penalty. I am optimistic - judges will really, really like not being lied to, and I think I can introduce it in a way that the police are also enthusiastic about, and it should have exactly the desired effect in terms of getting people to turn themselves in since they're definitely going to be caught - our solve rate should jump, our error rate should plummet -"


"But if it doesn't then we have to think of something else?"


"Or use your magic to fudge the numbers."


"That wouldn't be detected?"


"I could probably give you enough information for adequate fudging."


"All right. I want to make that happen. To be clear, our end goal here is to delay the bad parts of the occupation as long as we can and then overthrow you when we can't anymore. In exchange for your cooperation we will work closely with you to overthrow you in a manner that gives other Amentans the right impression about whether to colonize more planets and how to do it if they do it, and to ensure that Amentans living on Earth at that time are permitted to remain, treated humanely, and allowed to densify the parts of the world which weren't inhabitable at our tech level and where you aren't displacing anyone. 



"Not sure what you gain by using cooperation instead of mind control unless the mind-control isn't that great or you've got other people you want to use it on. I will cooperate with this under most circumstances but if the opportunity to get the upper hand presented itself in the form of better allies or more magic I expect I'd take it. The things I'd pursue if I had more leverage would be essentially the same except I'd put more effort into preserving political options at home than I expect you to and I'd want Earth co-ruled instead of handed over."


"The mind control works great and I've no one else to point it at at the moment but if I wanted you for something else down the road you'd be pretty useless," he says pleasantly. "It sounds like it would be convenient if we had a way for you to make magically binding precommitments."


Shiver. "Yes."


"We have that."


"I see. I would - really appreciate some time to process all of this."


"If I left you alone for a day would you in any way indicate to anybody that anything unusual was going on?"


"Kan would notice that I was upset, I would probably take a break for lunch at work which is unusual, and leave early which is also unusual. If I explained this by saying I had a persistent headache no one would be surprised or suspicious. I would not try to arrange that anyone else become aware of you."


"Do you understand that you are smart, and have a lot of dangerous resources, and that if you start trying to oppose me then my nice options for working with you immediately and permanently stop being options?"


"What do you think is the likeliest way I might regret letting you think about this for a day?"


"Security or someone did notice and they come to me with it tomorrow. Uh, I think of a way to not be vulnerable to your mind-control spell, if that exists. Some other wizard bothers me. Kan picks up more than I realize and tries to investigate, takes it to somebody."


"Are any of those likely?"


"No. Well, I don't know how careful you're being about security - I assume something would happen if I screamed -"


"Muffling charm. And through the windows it looks like you and your husband are sleeping. Do Amentans not have an incest taboo, by the way?"

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