in color amentans meet hazel
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He gets hair dye and an aging potion and finds a hex for boots that makes you several inches shorter.


No one grabs him the first few times they try it.


Back in Anitam, Tahike Lam gives birth to a yellowy-orange-haired baby boy.


He seems healthy. A number of people are quietly delighted. Some of them with a credit lined up for the spring write wizards asking about gamete donors.


Some wizards don't care super much! It is much easier to find male than female donors.


This satisfies some, if not all, of the Amentans looking! They would prefer intelligent conscientious healthy wizards insofar as there is variance in wizard quality.


Wizard interest in helping drops off as they require more elaborate tests.


Lots of people will make do with whatever wizards they can get. 


Minor figures out how to make wi-fi work in warded houses. He does not take credit for this invention in the Theoretical Journal of Wards, or anywhere else; he forwards it, grumpily, to the Amentan actors. 


There, there.


"Next thing we're working on is hardware that tolerates Apparition. It'd be nice to get it before contact happens but, well, we'll see."


Timothy, when not pretending to be Aitim, is quietly getting in touch with Amentan-sympathetic Muggleborns in societies that are particularly unfriendly to them.


There are those! Elio can help if he is asked and Timothy is willing to go around Erica's glaring.


Timothy will totally ask Elio for help on that. In Erica's hearing he will be reticent about what he wants them for.


Erica is so annoyed at him interrupting Elio's vital lying-around-doing-nothing-not-being-imperiused time.


Timothy can weather glaring. And get names. And go find people and ask for their word with respect to secrecy and then explain that there are Anitami wizards, and the Anitami wizards are interested in immigrants to teach them the human style of magic and are offering titles whatever your blood was on Earth.


Wow, titles?


Yeah! He has a letter from the Anitami wizards. The Anitami wizards are imagining that talented and knowledgeable Earth wizards will be hard to persuade to leave Earth, so they want it known that anyone who does choose to immigrate can have a generous resettlement fee and a hereditary title and five children. "They think that's very generous, the children, skypeople are funny about children."


"I've noticed that," says a Muggleborn witch. (Anitami is becoming quite the lingua franca among people who travel at all.) "Is the title good for anything?"


"It's a vote in their governance system and your children would need it to get into the best school and you get in less trouble if you break the law, as I understand it."


"Huh. What's the law, does it have a lot of showering for five hours?"


"No. I think they use cleaning spells more often than we do but they don't have any laws about it, that's the Muggles. They're very serious about the Statute - they have to be, because their Muggles are so meticulous - people get in trouble for that. There's law about having more children than allowed, there's contract law, they frown a lot on hexing people at random."


"But hexing people at random is half the fun of having a wand."


"Well, if you think you'd be too tempted then maybe it won't suit."


"What do they do instead?"


"Elaborate property damage? Politics? Insults? I've only met a few."

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